if he was yandere

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Alexander Hamilton
He would find out your address after befriending you. Afterwords he would start sending you letters detailing how much he loves you but them slowly turning into how much he wants you,what he would do for you and what he would do to you. He would start kidnapping and killing the other men in your life or as he sees it, his ' competition'. Once all the men are out of your life, you only have him and he would slowly manipulate you into loving him, dating him. If you try to leave him he will kidnap you and keep you in his room tied up and gagged, only taking off the gag when you have to eat, drink or if you want to chat. If you try to escape he will shatter your knee caps and break your legs. He didn't want to hurt you but he sees it as the only way to keep you with him. He loves you, it's all for you, and he's never letting you go.

Aaron Burr
See smile more jk.
Aaron would charm you into being his, buy you whatever you wanted and would be nice at first. You should've never accepted his gifts though, he uses them to black mail you into being with him. If you try to leave him he will kill who ever you want to be with, man or woman. If it was modern times he would've planted a tracker on you so he always knows where you are. If there isn't any competition and you still try to leave, he will threaten to kill you family. He makes you stay in his house for long periods of time. If you are persistent on trying to leave him he will lock you in his basement. If you try to escape he will paralyze you form the waist down. And if you persist passed that he will take to you heart from your body like you took his.

Charles Lee
Probably the most forceful because there is no charming, no gifts, only lust and a delusional man. He won't stop until everyone around you is dead. He will keep you as a slave in his room. He will constantly say 'I love you' and ' it's for your own good.'. if you submit, he will force you into marriage and having his kids. He will try to have the most normal life with you but the kids are his way of making you stay outside of threats. He will never let you go.

George Washington
He will use his power to get you a job, making you in debt, by you expensive gifts to make you even more in debted to him. He will use that as leverage to have you as his own. He won't kill anyone, just have someone else do it. You are never free from him.

Hercules Mulligan
He will never let you know he killed for you. Everything will be in secret and you two will have a pretty standard relationship but if you leave.....he will kill you and weave your hair into fabric, see it into an accessory and keep it on him, along with making you into his personal maniquinn.

James Madison
He will pay the dawry for you and marry you. As long as you don't socialize with men he's calm but if you do he becomes enraged and poisons them slowly. He will make you watch them.die so that every man thinks if they come near you, death is close. You won't have anyone but him.

John Laurens
No, he won't kidnap you  or hurt you. But. He will take everyone you care about and you are the ransom for them. After that you can never leave him, you're trapped with a man you never even loved in the first place.

He kidnaps you and takes you to France. Of coarse he has you fall for him but the spiked wine kinda killed your feelings for him but, you're in France, you don't know french and he is the only person you know. You have no choice but to stay with him.

King George
He will have you be a member of his court at first but as his advances become denied or shaken off he arrests you for adultry but instead of killing you or sending you to the dungeons, he has you locked in a room and kept as a concubine. You are to have no contact with anyone outside of him. You wear and expensive collar and dress only in clothing he gives you. The door is always locked. He threatens you with death if you ever leave. He loves you, he really does but he claims you pushed him to this.

Thomas Jefferson
He will make you fall and then send you crashing and repeat for about a year until you are completely manipulated into cherishing his very touch. After you're his, he ruins everyone around you, he writes poorly about them but you still won't leave. He brainwashes you into thinking he's your soul mate. Since you don't seek help and he's the only only one around you, you never leave this mind set and you two wed and have kids. And when your real soul mate comes around he has him tried for a murder that he didn't commit. You're Thomas's now. He's never letting you figure out the truth.

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