just general things about their courting styles

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Alexander Hamilton
* Will write you a books worth of love letters
* Coffee dates a lot
*Gentleman​ asf
* Willing to fight a guy for you

Aaron Burr
* Very... traditional
* Will have a gift for you Everytime
* Supportive
* Tough love
* Tea and books are usually the gifts

Charles Lee
* An asshole that cares
* Very rare he says he loves you
* Will fuck up a lot
* Flirty
* Angry smol bean

George Washington
* He's like your dad
* Dad jokes
* Puns
*" That dress is too short."
* Will make time for you
* Gifts ofcoarse
* Will have a lot of hope that you marry him
* He wants so many kids, it's scary. He wants like 8-12 kids
* Will talk about the future a lot
* The most stable one always
Hercules mulligan
* New clothes all the time
* He's loud naturally so he won't hesitate to yell to get your attention
*If he can afford gifts he will give you gifts
* Loves you to pieces
* A lot of dirty talk and gropes
* Don't even think about leaving to a club or bar without him.
* A teddy bear
*Will shower you in"  I love you"
James Madison
* Tries to be supportive
* Tough love
* Is reluctant about PDA
* Hand holding is enough for him
* When he does show affection it's really heated and intense
* Shows love in more things he says

John Laurens
* Flirty and dirty
* Will shoot a guy for you
* He wants to show the world how lucky he got with you so he tends to show you off
* Gifts up the ass
* Cuddles and pda are also expected
* Jealous easy
* Will count your freckles to see who has more

* Will say the dirtiest kinkiest things he wants to do to you in french.
* Alexander won't tell you
* PDA and je ta'ime a lot
* Gifts all the time
* Will take you out on a lot of dates
* Tells you about wanting to take you to France
* If he's tired he won't know if he wants to speak English or French
* If you know french you two will talk shit in french.

King George
* Very protective
* Won't let you leave without a body guard
* Showers you in affection
* Has killed men for you
*Spoils you to the highest degree

Thomas Jefferson
* Will flirt with you in public, it gets pretty filthy sometimes with what he says
* Will grab your tight or run your inner thigh under the table
* You two tease each other a lot
* Will joke about you but don't get but hurt
* Basically a sugar daddy with the expensive and abundant gifts he gifts you
* Believe him when he says he loves you
* Even if he acts like he doesn't care, he does, he really does
* call him daddy

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