A New Mission

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"Hey, wake up sleepy head." Max place a piece of hair that was in my face behind my ear.
"Hey," I sit up, rubbing my yes.
I look around and see Benny and Bianca cuddling together near the door. I suddenly realized that Cameron was laying next to me. His outgrown blonde hair in his face. I move the hair and kissed his forehead. He was so young and a handsome boy at that. I look back at Max.
"So... K..." he said waiting for me to start a conversation. He knows I'm bad at that. Ignoring him I stand up and stretch my legs.
"Look... I found something," he hands me an old bag full of my favorite candies and chips.
"Oh, I love you Max!" Pulling him in to a tight hug. It took him a moment to react, then he hugged me, tightly.
"How did you know these were my favorites!" I said with an unconditional grin.
"We tell each other everything, remember K?" He laughed.
I smiled. He had a heartwarming laugh.
"Good morning Ben" I said raising my eyebrows up and down at him and Bianca. "How did you and B sleep last night Ben?" I said to be polite although I really didn't care.
He start telling me but I tuned him out and turned my attention to Max then to Cam. He slept so peacefully. The hair I once removed went back to their original place. So I moved them again. This time he woke up.
"Hi handsome," I said slowly so I wouldn't startle him.
He gave me soft smile. His smile was worth millions. He crawled over to me and sat on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, and his arms wrapped around my neck. Everyone's attention turn to Cameron and I. Bianca smiled at us.
"Cameron remember when we found you," he nodded yes, "You were hiding behind a vending machines in Seattle hiding from the Rots when you seen us you cried and ran from us until we found you. You were only five." She was wiping tears from her face.

She came over a took him off my lap and pulled him over to her spot for food and water.
Max scoots closer to me. "You could put your head on my shoulder, I mean if you want to..." he said hesitantly.
"Actually we should start packing up." I stood up and started to pack my stuff. He followed.

As we were leaving the store two Rots came by, when they noticed us they croaked their head to the side and start limping towards us. Benny kills the first one and Max's killed the second.
"Ok we are going to have to find a car." Bianca turn her head to me.

After while of searching we found a beat up SUV.
"Can you hot wire it K?" Max asked
I rubbed my hands together and gave a sly smile. "Oh, you know I can."

"It took two minutes how is that possible!" Benny exclaimed. Cameron gave a small giggle. "Let's get in." I jumped into the drivers seat. Max sat next to me as we waited for everyone else to get in.
"Look we have a full tank!" Max pointed out. "Were are we headed?" He asked. "We are looking for more survivors. More is better than 5." Bianca stated.

I tuned into the radio, looking for the only playing station, The Survivors.
Hello there fellow survivors. There is not much to say but, survive. At the studio here, all the others are dead and it is only me. I'm on my weeks of food and if your up for the catch, rescue me.
"What are we going to do without The Survivors, or The Survivor now." Max said. "We save him-" I started to say.
"We didn't talk about this." Bianca said annoyingly. I rolled my eyes and turned up the radio.
If you are up for the catch, I'm at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Please help. Also there is a hoard of Rots outside so good luck!
"He's in Pasadena. We are in Sacramento. He's only like 10 at the very max hours away. Would you really want to sacrifice a life, especially some one works for NASA!? Come on Bianca, he could help find a cure or resistance to Rots. What do you say?" My speech really got her thinking. Five minutes to be exact. "Fine we'll do it, we'll take turns driving and two of us will watch the windows with guns out. Remember Pasadena is near L.A. which has a big population there's going to be two big threats: Rots and People. We are gonna have to keep a good eye out. Since your already behind the wheel, you are taking the first driving shift, Kasey." Bianca stated. She was a natural born leader.

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