The first Connection of Jason and I

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"Jason, time to get up." I put my hand on his shoulder." He looked up at me, his violent eyes sparkled. He smiled "Good morning," he said in a slow voice.
"You hungry?" I asked, putting out one of the old candy bars Max gave me.
He nodded his head no.

He stood up, and I didn't realize it til now but his shirt was off. He had a deep wound in his stomach. In the exacted spot I got mine. Our scars were exactly the same.
"How did you get that scar," I blurted out. "Embarrassing story, but I stabbed myself fighting a Rot." He noticed the concern on my face. "What's wrong?"
"I have a scar on my stomach too, in the same spot as you, our scars are identical, and I got mine fighting a Rot." I said staring at the floor in disbelief. I pulled up my shirt enough to see the scar. The ran his finger along the scar.
"When you looked behind the desk yesterday," I made eye contact with him, "I felt a weird connection between us, I thought it was nothing, what if... what if I was, wrong." I was scared about the idea of that.
"What about this if there is an actual connection between us," he turns his back towards me, "When the apocalypse happened I got this birth mark, it looks like the biohazard symbol, Matt told me." It was the size of a fist and was on his right shoulder.
I quickly removed my jacket and pulled my sleeve down. There it was the thing I feared. The biohazard symbol.

There was silence.

No word.

No noise.

Ok, it was very awkward, he was probably thinking what is going on, I'm thinking about cats dancing on clouds.
Then I just start moving my shoulders up and down awkwardly.
Jason stares for a moment then blurts out laughing.
"You are great at dancing Kasey" he says sarcastically.
"Thanks," then I flip my hair and it all ends up in my face.
When was the last time I washed my hair.
"Do you want to go ask Gary if there are any working showers" Jason ask seeing how I keep smelling my hair and making weird faces at the scent.
"YESS." I run out the door, almost running into the wall.
I hear Jason laugh he has a deep voice, giving him a cute laugh.

Do you ever have those moments where you have a song stuck in your head but you  don't know the name of the song. Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

"When I woke up, 6pm
Sleeping in your bed again
Your ghost keeps me lonely
All the while, I'm burning for you
For you, oh
And this could be just what you need
Just dim the lights, cut your ties
Break down this line, the mood is right
You burn inside of me
You're burnin' inside of me
You burn
And I'm still alive in you
I'm still alive
I'm still on fire for you
It's burning inside
Are you still thinking 'bout it now?
You're gone, you're gone, you're gone
And I'll be what you want
I'll be what you need
I can love you more" I sing to Jason. He raises his eyebrow.
"Do you know the name of that song?" I say, "it's something like Hotel Angie, no that's not right Hotel Alice, nope not that either. WAIT ITS HOTEL ANDREA!" I say jumping up and down.
As I jump tripped on AIR and fell into Jason's arm. He stared down at me with those violet eye. Err they are my weakness. "Hey there," he said. Stand up, " 'Sup my dude I punch his shoulder playfully. And walk away awkwardly.


-Gary's office-
"Hey Gary, I was wondering if there was any running water, shampoo, and conditioner." I need that CONDITIONER OR I WILL CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF... haha kidding. But I have curly hair and haven't washed my hair in 3 years. That's a form of torture. I can only brush my hair, after that it get poofy and I look like a burnt marshmallow.

"Actually we do," Gary points at the hall way, "down to your right the hat water takes a while to turn on." Before he finishes I rush down the hallway.


I take off all my clothes, get in the shower, the water feels like ice, but I don't care.

"Yeah, suite 23 at the Chateau
Had a heart, man I'm tryna get it back though
Tryna get it back, tryna get it back, tryna get it back
Age 25 and I'm rich now
No excuse, you be actin' like a 'butt face' now
I gave you diamond, a pool, write the checklist
She want a ring, ain't 'fudging' with a necklace
I'm a fool for these thangs with the big butts
Take her home, body turn into a rich 'girl'
Feel like I can't trust nobody, even day ones
Watch out for them snake ones" I sing replacing every curse word with good words👍.

Stay in school kids. Don't curse or do drugs, OR YOU WILL DIE.  DUN DUN DUNNNN.

⬆️ Parenting 101 ⬆️

When I get out I grab Jason and drag him to Cameron's room.

"Cam, wake up." I kiss his forehead he has a fever, "Come on cam, lets go see if Gary has any medicine ok buddy?" He nods his head. I picked him up. He got like 50 pounds over night or something, I swear he got heavier.
I struggle.
Jason sees.
Oh well cam, was heavy anyway.

We start walking back to Gary's office.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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