The Drive To Pasadena

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We have been driving for 6 hours. Benny is driving now, for the past 2 hours anyways. Bianca is in the passenger seat holding Benny's hand. Max and I were sitting in the back watching for Rots out the window. Cameron was sitting between us and he was sleeping with his head rested on my back. "K, how have you been lately. You... you haven't been the same." He said quickly regretting it. "No I haven't! I'm been completely normal." Cameron woke up then fell back to sleep immediately."Whoa, sis, you in one of your moods?" Benny asked. Bianca slapped his chest. "What?!?" He acted like he did nothing wrong. We all laughed.
"Ok, we are gonna have to stop for gas so if you see a gas station let me know." Benny said. "Of course." Bianca rolled her eyes at him.
"Look there's one right there." Max pointed out to us. As we pulled up a few Rots headed for the car. Pop! I hear Max's gun go off first than mine. Pop! The bullet echoed through my head the thought of me shoot a living human scared me. Me knowing that the Rots we once people also scared me.
"K, you Okay?" Max asked.
"Yeah, of course why wouldn't I be." I demanded. He shrugged his shoulders.
Benny drove up to the first few pumps; They were empty.
Final the very last pump had enough gas for a full tank. As Benny and Bianca went to search the gas station for snacks, Max and I moved Cameron to the third row of the SUV, without waking him up (which I'm very proud of). As Max and I sat in the middle seat he scooted closer to me so that part of our thighs were touching. He looked at me and I got so scared, that I opened the car door and fell out the car. Goodness wait to embarrass yourself there, Kasey. Max was laughing his butt off. "Are you okay" he asked trying to cover up his laugh. I laid on the floor. Lord please save me from this. I thought to myself. Max jumped out the car and did a Superman pose, "I will save you," he swept me off my butt and carried me like a baby back into the car.

When Benny and Bianca came back I was half asleep with my head on Max's shoulder. "Kasey's turn to drive," Benny screamed. "No, I'll drive for her." Max said putting a piece of hair behind my ear. "You guys can stay watch. And K will sit in the front with me.". Bianca was annoyed that we argued everything she planned. "Fine just until she wakes up you need your rest." She said. "Are you joking? I WAS RESTING FOR THE LAST 3 HOURS!" He said loud and jokingly.
Max put me in the passenger seat. When Max got into the car he looked at me then rest his hand on mine. I quickly pulled my hand away, trying to make it unnoticeable that I was still half awake.

:::::::::::::::::::2 Hours Later:::::::::::::::::

"K, wake up, we are here."

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