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She is back, and the greeting she received was beautiful. No one ever expected Lisanna to rise from the dead and in such spirits. Since all of them were trapped in the anima, the Guild has no idea that Edolas exists, they have no idea how Lisanna truly came back to Earth Land. I believe it was Master Makarov himself who cried the most when we all returned with Lisanna.

Lisanna's return seemed to cover up the fact that Erza, Grey, Wendy, Natsu and myself where all beat up and in strange clothing so we slipped away to my house to clean up. The boys where the first ones to claim the bathroom so us girls settled for putting ointment on our wounds.

"That scar on your cheek looks bad..." I sigh while rubbing the clear ointment all over Erza's face and rubbing it in good.

Erza just laughed "Don't worry about it, we all have our own battle scars and sometimes it's just plain cool to have one on your face." She took the tube from my hand and applied the ointment to my face and back as I do Wendy's legs. 

Wendy took a pause from humming a tune, "I have to say, that outfit is really beautiful, and it suits you. It's also fixable so you can keep it." Wendy says before a crash is heard from the bathroom and I yell for the boys not to break anything.

"I feel so sorry for your clothes, they're so beat up I bet they'd be glad to meet fire. Especially you Erza..." I chuckle.

Erza suddenly looked very deep in though "Hey guys... If we're getting in the bathroom right after this, isn't it pointless to be putting this stuff on?" I groan at the realization and she chuckles as the boys exit the bathroom clean and in fresh clothing.

"Thanks, Lucy for letting us clean up here, Master would be asking questions like no tomorrow, not to mention get suspicious," Grey said while looking into my fridge and pulling out some old strawberries, making a face before throwing them away.

I wave off the thanks "Well all know we needed to relax after all that, especially Natsu for playing the bad guy for Mystogan." He gave me his signature smile before Erza herded Wendy and me into the bathroom. We took turns, Wendy got to soak in the bath first while Erza and I washed our hair and bodies, then we switched. I think it's safe to say we spent far less time in the bathroom than the boys' which means I don't have to pay nearly as much for the water bill than I could have.

After we got out of the bathroom, we forced the two apart and applied ointment and bandages to them before Wendy, Erza, and mysdlf re-do our own ointment, there's no way we trust the boys with that.

While Erza is wrapping my stomach in bandages, I said, " You guys can stay the night I have no doubt you're as tired as I am." Natsu hooted before flopping himself on the couch "and just for that, you're on the floor!" I growled, earning the stink eye. I winced as Erza moved to my legs, safe to say I'm really banged up.

I grab the extra blankets and pillows and set up places for the other three, I had to make another special place because Happy wanted to sleep by himself instead of with Natsu. I let Wendy have my bed, who wouldn't let a child sleep in a bed after such a long day?

"Good night guys..." I mumble. I'm sure the others replied but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

Erza was in the bathroom taking a morning bath and Grey, Natsu, and Happy were playing some card game while Wendy slept in with Carla. I was going through the refrigerator only to find that nearly everything is expired, I never knew the fridge could clear and the trash could fill so quickly. It looks like I have to go grocery shopping today, I have enough money from the last job the team went on. Maybe I can get Lisanna to join me so I can get to know her.

Natsu roars in frustration, making me jump and slam the refrigerator door out of surprise "I just survived a near death experience, I don't need you to give me a heart attack!!" I yell causing Happy to mumble something under his breath. Wendy was looking around with tired eyes as Carla chewed out the boys for making such a ruckus.

I didn't get the chance to ask politely what Happy had said before Erza emerged from the bathroom, wearing her usual armor "Why don't we pay a visit to the Guild hall, I'm sure it'll be extra livley, now that Lisanna has returned of course." Natsu was all about it, it's so cute how much he likes Lisanna. I still can't believe what happened to her, how she could adapt so easily to a parallel life, and now she's back, to her life from childhood.

Wendy, Carla and I were the only ones who really walked, the other four rushed off as if something might have happened overnight witch in a way, is understandable knowing how they found out about Lisanna's 'death' the last time.

I looked to Wendy, "Am I the only one feeling bad that I'm not running there too?" It was one of those questions that are asked because you know you'll get an agreeing answer from the other person.

"Oh no, trust me, you're not the only one..." She nodded, letting the rest of the walk fall into a comfortable silence.

The Guild was indeed more lively than usual, some teams sat together away from the bar where most guild members where enjoying the company of Lisanna, including Grey, Erza, Natsu, and Happy.

Levy waved Wendy and I down, inviting us to sit with them "Can you believe it? That we all thought she was dead all this time? Miracles really do happen after all." She smiled thoughtfully as Jet added something else to the subject. We all fell into a casual conversation about nothing in particular, that is until I brought up books.

"Words, words, and more words. Don't you ever stop thinking about words?" Gajeel popped out of nowhere and looked dead at Levy as he asked the question.

Levy let out a small huff as he sat down next to Wendy, across from herself "Why would I want to, words are so wonderful, mere things that can create such meaning!"

"Zekua Meron!" I exclaim, naming the person who made that quote, Levy nodded approvingly. I notice that Lisanna was retreating from the crowd and I excuse myself from the table to make my way over to her.

She seemed shocked to see me pop up so quietly, the Edolas me would not have done so "Oh hi Lucy, I was kind of worried that all of you disappeared last night, where did you go?" She asked.

I smiled at her warmly "We went to my place... Accept for Gajeel, don't know where he went... But we had to clean up before the Guild noticed." She nodded in understanding.

"If you don't mind, I was wondering if you would go shopping with me, most of my food expired over all the time that passed by and I figured you'd need an escape from everything." At first, she was silent and them her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

She jumped once before embracing me in a hug "Oh Lucy I'd love too! I've wanted to get to know you ever since I came home." When she pulled away and gave me the purest smile I've ever seen, I felt so glad that I had thought to ask her.

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