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Dear Levy

Turns out that I can befriend silkworms. I kinda just helped the little guy and I followed him to his colony and it made silk for me, I'm currently working on making clothes for that boy Iggy I told you about in the last letter. I don't want to take all their silk so I'm taking it to a tailor in town one piece at a time, I hope to make a match for my green clothing that I left with.

I also think my training is almost complete, for this subject anyway and if I want to learn more than I can. It's been over but I don't know if I want to train for another month or come back. I'm not so worried about people missing me anymore but I'm enjoying learning all these new things and if I can I would like to stay.

Please give me an update tomorrow, I don't want to worry people...


I'm glad that Lucy is enjoying her training with that Varinosa woman, she seems nice and patient, just what Lucy needed when she left. Not to mention Iggy sounds pretty fun to hang around too. I miss my Lulu, even if we do write every day it's not the same from meeting face-to-face.

People are getting worried about her, they don't actually say it but when she comes up in a conversation they get this look like she's no longer with us...

"Hey, Levy!" Wendy greets while sitting next to me "Have you heard the rumor yet?" Her face held a worried expression.

I sit upright at the question "What rumor?"

Wendy held her hands together and wouldn't look at me "Rumor is, Natsu, Happy, Grey, Erza, Gajeel, and Pantherlily retraced Lucy's steps for when she left.." Wendy began.

I gasp "How is that possible, not even I know where she went! How can they possibly track her down?" Please, she's not ready to come back yet, please don't find her!

Carla shook her head and said, "Natsu and Happy have great noses remember, not to mention Gajeel and Pantherlily as well, and with only a month I would be surprised if those four noses hadn't picked up on her familiar scent." The white cat seemed distracted to say anymore.

Wendy nodded "To be honest, I followed their scent to see what they were up to, at first I couldn't snuff out her scent along with theirs but it got stronger as they left town. Her scent passed straight through the next town and the next but then it trailed into a forest. I stopped trailing them because I was risking being scented myself..." She looked up to me with worry "I know you two have been writing so I know she's okay, but she didn't leave on a mission, did she? She left on her own free will."

I sigh and nod "If I hadn't gone to her house the day she left, she would have told nobody. She felt unneeded and forgotten so I took her to Master Makarov and we explained. She didn't want people knowing the truth of why she left so we just said that she went on a special mission when in reality she was just getting away from it all... She's not ready to come back! They can't find her, not yet!" I yell was interrupted by Natsu bursting into the guild hall, confusion and anger were on his face as he stormed over to an empty seat.

Wendy and I exchange looks as the others join him before we walk over ourselves "Hey Natsu, something wrong?" Wendy asks casually.

Natsu doesn't reply to her question but Gajeel cuts in "Erza was getting worried about Lucy so she wanted u to try to track her down so we did, sort of. We tracked her scent all the way into a clearing in a forest a couple towns away, then the trail stopped cold." She shrugged before eating the Iron off the side of the table.

Erza's fists bundle into furious balls "It's only a day's walk to the clearing! It had a stream but she's too careful to have fallen in and no other scents were around. She's been gone for a month! It doesn't make sense.." She put her head on the table and covered it with her hands in frustration.

Grey wasn't talking at all, his head was tilted down and his eyes were closed, locking in all trace of emotion and covered it up with hard concentration.

I excuse myself and take Wendy's hand and lead her to an empty infirmary "What are we doing, Levy?" She asks wondrously.

"Writing a letter." I state before taking a piece of paper and a pen out of my bag "Feel free to add anything."

Dear Lucy

I want to keep this short. I know I already wrote to you today but there's something I have to tell you right now. Natsu, Happy, Erza, Grey, Gajeel, and Pantherlily all when searching for you today, I don't know how this is possible, but the two Dragon Slayers and Exceeds somehow found your scent and followed it all the way to that clearing with the stream you wrote about in the first letters. They say it was there your scent vanished. It's not my place to ask where you are or what could have possibly happened in that clearing, you're safe and I know that but I really think you should come back as soon as your training is done.


This is Wendy, and before you jump to conclusions, no Levy and Makarov didn't tell me anything, I figured it out on my own. You left and you thought it was the right thing to do and I support that, I know what it's like to feel entirely alone but with the way things are turning out, you're going to worry everyone sick!

I've heard some smothered rumors of an annual event that'll be happening next week so that could get people's mind off you, just please, come back soon Lucy.

~ Levy, Wendy, Carla

I fall out of my hammock with a jolt and a squeal, scaring Iggy out of his newly moved hammock as well "What's wrong?" He asks while scrambling over to me. Yesterday I had finally finished the matching outfit and released my contract with the silkworm. No! Focus!

I look back to Iggy, his hair being held back with a yellow hairband "They followed my scent... all the way to where you guys summoned me from... Iggy... what if they find some trace of what happened?" my fearful eyes look into his calm ones.

He smiled, took out my ponytails and smoothly brushed his fingers "Don't worry, think our mentors know how to cover their tracks. Did the letter say anything else?" the question caused my eyes to fall to the P.S. section of the letter.

I nod "Wendy, you know, the little Wind Dragon Slayer I told you about? she knows I'm not on a mission, and she's heard of an annual guild event that might get people's minds off me. This event might give me enough time to get back to Earth Lands before people start suspecting something else might have happened to me..." I hold the letter to my chest and close my eyes to stop the tears.

Iggy stopped stroking my hair and sighed "Even I could have told you it would've gotten serious, that friend Levy knows what she's talking about y'know." his hand fell to his lap and we just sat in silence. I never imagine they find my month old scent trail and follow it! How in the heck did they pull it off in the first place?

I never thought that this decision could worry me so much...  

The Day She VanishedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя