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Night is beginning to settle and I'm currently on a road in the middle of the forest, I don't want to camp on the road, just in case something might happen. I just realized that I didn't pack my pajamas but oh well, it's not the first time I've spent the night in my clothes, I'll have to find a stream so I can wash them and not to mention myself. I set off to my right, listening for any animals, where there's animals there is most likley water, right?

A flaw with those thoughts is that everything is settling in, not making a peep while they're trying to sleep. I walked for maybe twenty minutes, trying my best to walk in a straight line so I can get back to the trail before I caught the sound of trickling water. I run in the direction that I heard it in and I soon come to a clearing with an adorable mini waterfall that was trickling into a small stream, this is so perfect! I set down my backpack and cup my hands to catch the water from the waterfall and bring it up to my lips, it tasted so clean and fresh.

I never knew how to build a fire so I wrap myself in a cloak I bought from the last town I passed through and used my bag as a pillow. I looked at the stream, watching as the water filled with the moon's reflection, that mixed with the waterfalls calming sound coaxed me to sleep

Birds chained me awake, I open my eyes to the stream on fire with the morning sun's beautiful rays. It was so enchanting, the morning birds dived in and settled themselves by the water for a drink and a small little bath. At first, I just watched, then I realized how sticky my clothes felt against my skin so I stripped down and gave my body a quick rinse before I dressed in my green clothes from Edolas. I grab my blue and white shirt and dunk it in the cool water and try to rub all the dirt out as well as the matching blue skirt.

As I do so, the water's surface ripped unnaturally underneath my fingers, I only had a second to react before the water opened itself up and seemed to swallow up my arm and drag the rest of myself down. I quickly grab my backpack before I am completely dragged down. I couldn't help but be reminded of Julia, how this is something she might do to get back at me for something useless.

I open my eyes only to find myself staring up at what seems like an ocean's surface, so vast and dark. I was still being dragged down and I began to panic as my lungs tightened for air. The bubbled exploded from my mouth as I could no longer hold the carbon dioxide inside my lungs and I began to choke on tasteless water. I couldn't breathe, my mind was reaching for any solution, I struggled to find my keys in my bag and I couldn't. This was it, I don't even know what's killing me...

Right when I give up, it's like I fall into the surface of another stream because I can suddenly breathe again. I chose and sputter and I drag myself to the sweet, solid earth. The water fell out of my mouth as tears started to well up in my eyes, I really did almost drown.

A voice yelled from a distance, a boys voice "You could have done it more settle!" A couple minutes later after my body collapses in exhaustion, it hears the splash of the person crossing the water. I am soon picked up by strong arms and I'm facing skyward, looking into a shockingly familiar face, my face, only it wasn't mine.

It takes me several seconds to soak in his features, chocolate brown eyes and medium length blonde hair that was held away from his face by a blue headband, he was the spitting image of me, but how on Earth Land is that possible? "I'm so sorry, they could have summoned you more carefully." He said, as if I knew who they where.

He picked me up bridal style when I didn't reply and walked across the water but that's when I realized his feet weren't in the water, they where on the water. He was walking on the face of the water itself!

He caught my expression and smiled "I'm Laman, the Water Dragon Slayer, it's nice to finally see you, Lucy." I was dumbfounded. He was a dragon Slayer, and of water no doubt, I have never heard of a water dragon slayer, although it is possible I suppose...

Wait! "How do you know my name?" I whispered, my throat weak from all the coughing.

"Don't worry, everything will be explained in no time, just open your mind and it'll be easier." I nod and look ahead to see the impossible, four, humongous dragons waiting for us.

Standing farthest from the other three and closest to us was a dragon of many blues, I can only assume it was the water dragon that trained Laman. The other three sat side by side, the one to the right was a magnificent red and green that held its head high. The dragon to the left was larger than the two beside it, the dragon had large tusks protruding from its jaw and mighty horns from the back of his head; it looked down, watching Laman carry me to them. The last dragon, the dragon in the center, was the most magnificent of them all with a slick white body patterned with silver and gold scales, she lay down gracefully between the other dragons and watched silently while we approached.

When we are finally standing before them, Laman puts me down and I quickly put my backpack over my shoulders "Welcome Lucy." The center dragon spoke with a feminine voice "We have been waiting a long time for you to meet us, I know Laman has as well." She looks his way and nods.

Laman bows before letting her continue "I am Celestia, the true queen of dragons, to my right is Irene who takes the title of Queen in my place. To my left is Beruserion, the dragon sage who guides my decisions wisely. Beside you is Belethron, the strongest water dragon in this realm ." She paused and looked at me, as if willing me to speak.

I looked at all four of them "It's an honor to be in you presence..." I begin "But I don't understand why I'm here, why did you... Summon me here?" I looked at Celestia, begging for an answer with my eyes.

She closed hers and started, "Let me tell you a story Lucy, a true one." She opened her eyes and looked into mine, letting images flash through my mind "There is a dragon made from the stars itself, made to be more powerful than the Celestial King himself. This dragon helped lead the other dragons in a life of peace, a life of balance. Many thousands of years pass and this dragon bore two children who would help in the progression of dragon kind, these two children of the dragon born of the stars would be great. But the children where too weak to sustain a starboard body, they would surely have died but their mother separated the bodies and the souls and sent them to another realm, a realm of humans. There, the children's spirits merge with bodies yet to be borne, where the spirit could live on." As she told the story, the images followed to the exact detail.

"Lucy, you and Laman are the children of the dragon borne of the stars, you are my children in human skin. I have called you back because it is time for you to train under a dragon Lucy, and learn all its most difficult tricks so you can become as powerful as the dragons themselves." It was all true, the images in my head, the story she just shared, it was all true.

I fell to the ground in shock and I looked to the Dragon Sage Beruserion who slightly nodded his head. I look to Laman, the mirror image of myself, my brother.

I look to Celestia, I could feel my connection to her reappearing as if it had been covered up "How will I do this? Train under one of the dragons?" I ask.

Irene smiled a toothy smile next to Celestia "Just as Laman has done, you will choose a magic you wish to learn and a dragon will teach it to you. Your brother will be there to help you and guide you along with your mentor, only when your training is Complete will you get to return to your realm." Her smile was that of a headstrong individual, an individual in control.

I rise to my feet "but how long will that be?! I shouldn't be gone for too long!" I state worriedly.

Celestia rose to her feet "do not worry, dear Lucy, time flows differently here than it does in Earth Land. Let us speak of this a different time, right now you have to choose who you will train under. come, you have a great decision ahead of you." with that the other three dragons rise to their feet and turn the other direction.

Laman grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes "It may be different, but you'll love it here." He smiled before pulling me along to meet my mentor dragon

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