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Dear Levy

Thank you for that last letter, I'll finish up my training in hopefully the next couple of days, but we're on Varinosas schedule, not mine, so we'll see. Iggy's clothes are done and I will be presenting them to him shortly. I made him a green and yellow scarf that have a matching pattern with my top, and the scarf can also be made into a top, but knowing Iggy, he'll want to be shirtless. 
Remind you of anybody else we know?
I have been searching high and low for material for shoe soles so I can make Iggy some matching sandals, but I have not succeeded. Of course, this set of clothes isn't the same as my clothes given to me by the Celestial Kingdom, but anything lacking will be made up with sentimental value!


Wendy, I always knew that you were a smart and observant girl, and you figuring out why I left is proof! Stay awesome, and i'll see you soon (Hopefully.)


Given that three weeks here is one week in Earth Land means that I have about seven more days to train so I can keep true on that couple of days. I fold the letter and give it to Pin who flies away, disappearing in the cloak of the air itself.

I continue to swing side to side in my hammock, playing with the pencil. It was times like this when I was only waiting for Varinosa that I really wanted to either work on my own book or read one myself. I have been so deprived and it's making me depressed. I want to finish my training as soon as possible...

Putting the pencil back in my bag, I leap from the hammock and take a deep breath. If I wanted to work on my magic by myself, I can attempt to strengthen my connection without my bracelets. No matter how much I try, it's just so much harder, especially if I don't eat leaves from the bracelets beforehand. It just occurred to me that I can work on this even after I leave for Earth Land.

I roll up my nonexistent sleeves and take off the bracelets, noticing how their leaves noticeably drooped. I sighed and took off my sandals grip my toes into the healthy earth and find a connection with the grass around my feet, probably the easiest thing to do. I focused intensely on the feeling I felt when I wore with the bracelets and I tried to grab ahold of it.

Suddenly, as if I had folded into my own mind, I was in a vast nothingness. Everything was pitch black except for myself, the grass that I had connected to at my feet, and my bracelets off to the side. These were my bare connections without aid. This was the world of nature that I had truly connected to, nothing. I see only now that I have so much more to work on. 

I look to the grass and I step away from it to test if it said, and it did. This place must show all the permanent links and every link without the aid of my bracelets. That means that the bracelets only amplify my power temporarily. I need to seriously work on this...

I tried, again and again, starting with the grass and attempting to spread to the cherry tree that I first practiced on, but it wasn't isn't going well. Occasionally, I would revert to that dark place in my mind, but the only thing that had changed was the amount of grass. 

Frustration started to take over and tears welled in my eyes as I set in front of the cherry tree in defeat, "Why can't I do this?" I whine, hugging my knees to my chest and burying my head in my arms. I felt like a child and I hated it, I wanted to grab the bracelets and go back to using them, but if I did that, then I wouldn't really get anywhere. This made me see one fo the reasons Varigosa never went to Earth Land, she must have known how hard it would have been for a normal human.

"How much harder would this be if I was normal?" I can't help but ask myself out loud.

I felt the crunch of nearby grass deep within me, and a familiar voice sounded, "You wouldn't even be here if you were normal." I raise my head and look back to Iggy with a gentle smile.

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