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Three days have passed and finally, the Guild has accepted 100% that Lisanna is back. Natsu welcomed her into our team and everyone but me and Wendy went on a mission to catch up and warm up Lisanna's magic from being in Edolas for so long. She's such a kind girl but something in me feels threatened by her, the way she hangs around Natsu so much, the way the others spend less and less time with me. When she notices I'm alone, Lisanna tries to include me but it's just not the same.

So I lay here in my bed, alone, pondering to myself about what I should do. I can tell that I'm jealous of her, the way they treat her like a sister the way they treated me when I first joined the Guild. I raise my hand in the air and stare at the pink fairy, this isn't healthy, I shouldn't be thinking these things but I know it's true, and I know something bad will come of it but how exactly am I supposed to stop thinking about it? Was I just a replacement for Lisanna that whole time?

A soft knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts and I sit up "It's open!" I call to my visitor.

Levy walks through the front door with a bag full of treats "Hey Lucy, I figured you'd be here." She closes the door behind her and sits next to me.

I give her a questioning look "How come?" I ask casually.

She sighs and looks pitifully at me "Lulu, believe it or not, I know when somethings bothering you, now spill it." She sets the bag of goodies down on my lap and rests her hand on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh in defeat "Ever since Lisanna came back, I feel so alone. I know it's selfish, and I'm happy that she's back and that I could be friends with her but I feel so excluded, the way she talks with everyone, even Wendy has warmed up to her. I don't know if-" I stopped myself from saying if myself from Edolas has made a permanent impression on her and instead said, "i don't know if I'm jealous of her or not. I feel that if I stick around, something in myself will snap and cause something really bad to happen..." I let out a shaky breath "I don't think I should go to the Guildhall for a while, I think I should go somewhere to cool off..." I look up at her, scared that she'll be judging.

Her expression was anything but judgmental "I'm so sorry you've been feeling this way Lulu," She pulled me into a hug "If you think you should go, you should go. I'll write to you every day and I expect you to write me back. You have my full support in any decision you make." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I sobbed uncontrollably into her shoulder. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her, a friend that can hug me through the times that my doubts overcome everything else "Thank you... so much, Levy!" I say between sobs.

"Yeah, yeah," She soothed "But if you really plan to take a break, you should tell Makarov, he'd want to know why one of his wizards suddenly vanished into thin air... And it won't be like Gildarts or Mystogan, people really will worry if you're gone for as long as them." My breath hitched in my throat, too bad nobody knows that Mystogan will never return, he's ruling his own Kingdom now!

I look up to her and wipe my cheeks "Is it bad that I doubt that anyone will notice..?" The question clouded her face in pain.

She pulled me back into her shoulder and said, "I would notice, Wendy would notice. She looks up to you, did you know that? Sometimes she sits with me and rants on and on about how she wants to be strong like you and caring like you..." It sounded like she wanted to say more but she stopped there.

I shake my head "Right now I don't know how to be strong, not strong enough to hold out with everything that has happened." She let out a sound of agreement and nodded.

Levy got up and pulled me up with her, making the bag of goods fall to the ground "How about I help you pack now, so it'll save time?" I smile and as we're her with a simple nod.

I told her I wanted to pack light, just a backpack with my green outfit I acquired from Edolas that Erza and Wendy liked so much and other necessities like my toothbrush and hair items. Levy picked out a jacket for me and placed the bag of treats in the backpack as well. We set off, letting Levy do all the talking in hopes to get my mind off of what I'm about to do, am I going to regret this?

When we get to the Guildhall, we make it all the way to Master Makarov's office without interruption, I could tell Levy was a bit shocked by it. Master was behind his desk reading a novel that he quickly hid as we entered. Suspicious.

He cleared his throat and tried to act casual, which I found a little funny "What is it my children, you two haven't accepted a job as of recent, why do you visit me?" his words set off a flock of butterflies in my stomach that wanted to fly free.

Levy gives me a reassuring pat on the back "Well, I want to take a break, to clear my head from a lot of things that have been bothering recently. I don't know where I'll go but Levy told me to inform you before I left so..." I trail off as his gaze made me more uneasy.

He stepped on his desk to make himself a little taller "You wish to leave the Guild?" He enquired.

I gasp and exclaim "No, no!" I pause before continuing "There have just been some things that I need to get away from, I would never dream of leaving Fairy Tail." I hold my hands in each other and look down to my feet.

A long moment passed before he patted my head "Do what you must, I do not want any of my children in Fairy Tail to suffer so if you need a break, take a break." I look up to see him smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

Levy cut in "She doesn't want people to know that she's taking a break, so can we not tell anyone? Or at least say she's on a mission or something?"

Makarov looked to her then back to me "I do not know why you would want to keep this secret but I will respect your wishes, Levy and I will make up a mission or something. Do what you must, Lucy." He looked deeply into my eyes and nodded in understanding.

Levy turned me towards her and unclipped her flowers from her orange hairband before clipping it to my side pony "You will wear this always, even if it doesn't match your outfit, got it?" I laughed and agreed before hugging her and leaving the office to let her and the Master talk.

By the door, I was stopped by Lisanna herself who had walked away from Natsu and the others "Hey Lucy!" She greeted, "Where are you off to?" She looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I tried my best to keep my composure.

"I'm heading out on a mission the Master gave me," I answered shortly.

Her face lit up "By yourself? I won't be able to do that for awhile myself. Just come back safe and sound, alright?" She smiled with encouragement.

I shouldn't have been, but I was surprised that she was wishing me a safe return but I push those thoughts aside and smile "Thanks Lisanna, I will." With a hug, she lets me step through the door.

With one last lie, I leave the Guildhall...

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