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Dear Lulu

I know it's kind of selfish, but I really want you to return. With the upcoming guild event, I really think that you'll want to come home too, I hear that it's amazing!
Anyway, everyone is acting really crazy, taking quests left and right, and you can tell that Team Natsu is taking more than usual to get you off their mind. Sure, everybody is more caught up with all these crazy quests, so they've put all thoughts of you to the side (I hope that's no offense).
Miss you!


I laugh at the letter as I pack it with the rest of my things in my backpack. I don't write a reply because I'm going to see her really soon. I send the messenger swallow away paperless. I fasten my bracelets to my wrists, and my new favorite thing happened, they grew up all the way to my elbow, a testament to how strong i've gotten. Yesterday and the day before I had trained the without them, except to eat their leaves, and it was amazing.

Celestia, Varinosa, Grandeeney, and Iggy stood waiting in my training field. I frowned when I found that Iggy hadn't packed anything, but then he broke the news, "I'm going to stay, I haven't completed training with Grandeeney..." He twiddled his thumbs, "And I'm not quite mentally prepared to go back to Earth Land..."  She looked up at me sheepishly, but I couldn't help but laugh.

I walked up to give and gave him the biggest hug I had in me, "I'm just grateful that I got to know you, brother." It felt so right being around him, being around my own flesh and blood, and it felt so wrong that I had to leave now.

I break the hug and look up at Celestia, "By the way..." I said, "Which one of us is older?" Iggy grew pale at the question and a look of defeat flushed over his face.

The three dragons let out hearty chuckles at his response, "Though you could play big brother forever, didn't you, little Laman?" Celestia laughed, "You are the elder sibling Lucy, much to the boys' dismay." Happiness swelled within me and it burst, I grabbed Iggy again and started to cheer, I was the elder sibling in all of this! I felt like Edolas Lucy when she found a reason to pick on her Natsu. I was so excited!

"How did I not know this!" I squealed, slowly squeezing the life out of him.

After several moments, I let go and smiled at him, "Complete your training soon, so I can see you again." I said gently. He nodded his head ferociously, holding back tears.

I look up to Celestia and smile at her, "I'm so happy that I was able to meet you, my true mother..." I look to Varinosa, "And I am so happy that I was able to learn under you, it was an incredible opportunity." Varinosa responded by touching her claw to my forehead, and the vines around her claw snake around my head in a crown of vines and flowers. I raised my hand to take it off and look at it, but Varinosa shook her head. So I didn't touch it.

Getting back was almost just as bad as leaving. The only difference is that I plunged into the water at will. The pressure was lunge crushing, and just when I thought I wasn't able to take any more, I was shot out of another body of water and landed in a tree. Why there couldn't be an easier way to travel between the worlds, I had no clue, but I hated it. I collected myself and my bag from another branch and looked around, I was in the same clearing that Celestia and Iggy's firm summoned me from.

You could say I had been banished, but a part of me knew that me being banished would never fly with any of the dragons.

The first thing I did was test The Bond with the surrounding plant life. Making The Bond with Fiore's wildlife was way easier than connecting with the wildlife in the Dragon World. Huh, I never got a proper name for that place.

I reverted back to the place in my head that has all my connections. The Menagerie! That's what I'll call it. The surrounding setting excluding the water was all here, so when I leave The Menagerie, I test it out by growing and ungrowing the grass, growing and ungrowing the leaves on the trees.

A movement to my right has me looking down at a small brown field mouse, excellent. I had only practiced the bond on the silkworms with my bracelets, so this will be a challenge, but a welcomed one. I take off the bracelets and kneel a couple yards away What would a fieldmouse want? I ponder as I watch it scurry about. I take a couple seeds from one of my many new side bags and push them into the soft earth, making them apart of the connection. I have them grow into small hazelnut trees and harvest them, placing a small pile of nuts in front of me, gaining the attention of the mouth.

Without moving an inch myself, I silently coax the little mouse by parting the grass in a clear path for the little guy, and soon enough, the little guy charges for the pile and enters little mouse heaven. I can't help but laugh at the creature grows very happy, and as he rummages through the nuts, I close my eyes and focus on trying to make the connection, feeling with he is feeling... Joy, fatigue, and warmth. The mouse stops what it's doing and looks up at me, twitching its nose as if to say what was that? a yellow magic circle appears above the creature and just like the snap of a finger, I could feel the connection link with him and several other tiny, scurrying bodies on the forest floor.

I stood with happiness and triumph "Watch out Fiore! I'm back!" I cheer out loud before retracing my steps to Fairy Tail in a steady run.

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