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Dear Lulu

  Erza came up to me, it's seems that me being in contact with you had somehow leaked , I'm thinking Mirajane mentioned it which is fine, they just don't know the details of why and how. Anyway, Erza comes up and asks how you've been doing witch is why you should totally tell me how you're doing and if anything new has come up!
  Nothing new had really happened, as usual accept for a rumor, that Mystogan had gone missing. Turns out he was supposed to come back from his current mission a few days ago and not even the Master can track him down. I don't mean to worry you or anything. Your team is taking the news surprisingly well, they have confidence that he's just doing his own thing as usual and I'm kind of with him, he has always been doing his own thing after all.
  Also, since a month has already passed, I won our bet about people worrying about you. Well, people haven't said it out loud anyway. Natsu has been acting weird as of late, don't know why but maybe you can fantasize that it's because of you ;)


At the part about Natsu, I shake my head and grab the spare paper from Pin, writing a snarky reply before sending the bird back.

Today, Varinosa said she had a special lesson and so I sit in my hammock just waiting for her to fly over. Whenever she has a surprise, it's good because she always thinks of how I'm progressing and it's always something new or something that will help me. Laman or Iggy is learning more complex healing magic from Grandeeney that I don't think Wendy knows. I don't know if it's because we're Celestia's children or what but we're learning this magic fast.

Iggy said that the reason he spent so long on water was because he wanted to learn how to use plain water magic along with Dragon Slaying magic. He grew up in a poor family who didn't even use common everyday magic so when they all suddenly vanished on July 7th, the dragons found him and he happily wanted to know everything. He also took a break from learning for about a year before he resumed.

This life is so strange but unique, never would I have thought that I would be training under the dragons that disappeared so long ago. That and some dragons never came to Earth Land to train their very own pupils so as far as the other Dragon Slayers are concerned, Water and Nature Dragon Slayer magic doesn't exist. When I come back, I don't know that I want to tell the others that I learned Dragon Slayer magic because that would open up a lot of questions, especially with Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and even Laxus, and he's not even a dragon taught dragon slayer...

I snap out of my thoughts when I see Varinosa approaching and scramble out of the hammock. Wildflowers bloom as soon as my bare Skin touches the ground, a sign that my training is coming along smoothly. She lands in the center of the clearing and the flowers bloom to make a bed for her, as usual, but the trees around seem to become more alive with her presence as well. Why? I don't know yet.

She reaches her claw out and touches my forehead, a normal greeting for her and said, "I think it is time you use your connection to nature to make special bonds with the animals." She stated.

My jaw drops and I stare up at her large head "How is that possible?" I ask, trying to comprehend the possibilities.

Her throat lets out the sound of a chuckle "You have mastered the connection to the plants and the plants accept you. The plants also accept the animals and if you use that connection, you can make certain contracts with animals so they may aid you in battle or just common day things." With her explanation, she opens her claws to reveal a single silkworm.

She gestures to pick it up and I do "It is a small creature so it should be a good start and once you make a contract with this creature, you have a contract with its colony as well. Make the creature trust you, make it comfortable."

I slowly lay down on my knees and brainstormed ways to make the silkworm comfortable. I reached for the connection on the grass and made it grow and weave together into a small basket. I placed the worm inside and observed it as it ate the grass and wiggled around.

How was I supposed to make this little guy comfortable when I didn't know the first thing about silkworms? other than the fact that they make silk? All I could do was experiment, blooming flowers and expanding the weaving according to where the worm was headed.

"The connection, Lucy." Varinosa reminded.

I looked up to her in confusion "I'm using it..." I say as if it where obvious.

She shakes her head "not with the worm your not." She says before looking elsewhere.

My eyes grow wide in realization, I should be using the connection to try to connect with the silkworm! I fell the connection on the grass and try to follow the worm's movements trying to link with the worm itself.

I do this for many minutes before I feel something weird. The worm had stopped moving, and I think it's facing me! It's started wiggling until a tiny magic circle appears over it and that's when I know I've made the contract with it.

I looked up and meet Varinosas eyes "congratulations, now I suggest you find its colony using your link to it and make some matching clothing for Laman, he's been bugging us about matching his sister." She chuckles before getting up and stretching her wins before taking off.

Soon the wind settles to a standstill, I look down to the worm that is still in the basket of grass "Alright," I say, kneeling down "Can you take me to your home?" As if the grass knew is thoughts, it made a small walkway where the worm wished to go.

Now I understand better, I'm sharing my connection to the plants with the worm or animal I link with and because nature had already accepted this animal, the plants are letting it use them. This magic is so interesting and full of surprise, I'm so glad I chose to learn under Varinosa.

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