Chapter 15

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It was late at night and I opened my bedroom door. I frowned when I saw Mikey wasn't there. I went outside to ask Pete if he saw if he left or not.

I stopped in my tracks when I looked inside the car. It was hard to see but the street light illuminated it just enough for me to see Mikey in the front seat in Pete's lap, the two kissing desperately as the car rocked softly.

I hurried back inside the house, my stomach churning uneasily. Something about this made me feel so uneasy and I whimpered quietly as I went to my bedroom, grabbing my laptop. I searched for a while before I found the phone number I was looking for and dialed the number quickly.

"Jamia Nestor, private investigator," the lady answered.

"I-I need help," I said. "But I can't afford how much you charge."

"Well, what's the problem?" She asked.

"M-My boyfriend was kidnapped," I said.

"Have you already gone to the police?" She asked.

"Yes but they don't have anything," I whimpered. "A-and the director of the case is screwing my brother and the bunny men keep taunting me and they want me to kill my baby and they keep playing all these fucking mind games and I don't even know what's happening anymore and you charge a hundred dollars an hour but this has been going on for months and that's so much money and I don't even have any money and I'm not allowed to stress because I'm fucking 16 weeks pregnant but I can't not stress with everything that's going on and I just want my fiancé back again."

It was silent on the other end of the line and I sobbed.

"I'll work for free," she said. "It sounds like you really need me."

"I do!" I cried.

"Can I meet with you tomorrow?" She asked. "We can meet for coffee."

"I'm too scared to leave the house," I whispered. "But I'm also scared of being inside the house."

"Do you want me to come over now?" She asked. "I'm a really good detective, the longest case I've ever had was actually another disappearance of a kid, it only took eighteen hours and he was gone for seven months. Maybe I'll be able to find your fiancé by morning?"

"Please," I begged.

I told her my address and it was only a half an hour before she arrived. She was short with dark hair and and a pretty smile. I was glad when she didn't bring up anything about my baby bump.

"I'll get some coffee," I said. "How do you take it?"

"With cream, please," she said, sitting on the couch.

I went to the kitchen, glancing at the clock that said eleven at night. I sat our coffees down and grabbed my laptop.

"S-so my boyfriend, Frank, is in a band and he was on tour," I said. "And he went missing then a few days later I got some weird message from people and it was a video of him getting kidnapped. And the messages just keep coming and they've stolen things from my house and they even cut me with a knife."

I lifted up my shirt and showed her the cut made two weeks ago across my chest. I showed her all the videos and photos and messages, I even had the napkin with me.

"They haven't sent me anything in two weeks," I said. "I-I'm scared that maybe they killed him."

She bit her lip, typing on my computer.

"How many bunny men are there?" She asked.

"I-I think there was five, I'm not sure," I said. "The most I've ever seen at a time is five. Th-there could be more though."

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