1. Meeting

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Before I start the story let me tell you about me and my best friend. I'm Megan and my friend's name is Camry. We're hunters been that way since we were kids my dad was a hunter until he died her dad was my dad's best friend. After my dad died he took me in. When me and Camry were 18 her dad died we never knew our moms they died when we were 2. Right now we're 22 and 24. I'm the oldest. Now here's our story.

 Now here's our story

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"There's a case in Los Angeles California." Camry said.

"Los Angeles it is then, what's the case?" I said back to my best friend who was currently on her laptop in the passenger side as we pulled into a gas station in Oklahoma city. 

"Says here some guy went crazy and killed his wife and son, another says some woman killed her boyfriend a year ago,  a year before that another crazy killing and before that. It keeps going on."
"Damn. Sounds like it's our kind of case. I'll get snacks you gas her up." I say as I get out of my baby; she's a 1968 Mercury Parklane Brougham 4-door convertible. Camry doesn't understand my love for old cars she wishes I could get a new car like normal people but we ain't normal. 

"I got us Dr.pepper, Twinkies, beef jerky, moon pies, and pop tarts." I yell to her as I exit the store. 

"Great. She's all full let's hit the road."

 "Don't have to tell me twice."Unlike Camry I liked being a hunter. She wanted to be normal so bad. One time she even tried going to college I supported her through it we worked cases together on her breaks until one day her boyfriend turned out to be a shapeshifter and we had to kill him. 


With the music blaring some song Camry picked and the top down she managed to fall asleep. I changed the song to 21 guns by Green Day so it wasn't too rock but not her Japanese songs. I always drive and pick the songs mostly unless I'm tired as hell or I'm hurt.  She listens to everything and so do I but I prefer more rock style songs. 

"Where are we?" she asked sleepily while rubbing her eyes.

"Welcome to L.A." I said as I pulled into a motel. Immediately I noticed a sexy car it was a 1967 Chevy Impala. 

"Go get us checked in. I'll stay here and look for the owner of that badass car."

"Ok" she said as she rolled her eyes. what could I say that was one hot car.

Luckily right after Camry went inside two guys walked over to the car. I gotta say though they were hot and one looked like Camry's type. One was tall with longish brown hair he was perfect for Camry and the other was shorter with dirty blonde hair and was definitely my type. They looked related though brothers or cousins.I walked up to the car.

"This sexy 1967 Chevy Impala yours?" I asked. It obviously made the blonde happy.

"It's mine." He said with a smirk.

"I'm Megan my friend Camry is inside checking us in." I introduced myself and sort of Camry.

"I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam." 

" nice to meet you" Sam said. Just then Camry comes over.

"This is Sam and Dean they're brothers." I told her.

"Hi" she said looking at Sam mainly.

"They're hot." she whispered to me.

"I know." I whispered back.

"I love old cars mine's right next to you actually."

"I love old cars too this is my baby. What's yours? A 1968 Mercury Parklane Brougham 4-door convertible?" Dean asked.

"Yep, she's my baby." I said proudly. He laughed and so did his brother. 

"I thought my brother was the only one." Sam finally spoke up.

"I thought she was the only one." Camry said laughing at me and Dean.

"Shut up you two." Me and Dean said at the same time. We all ended up laughing at how ironically we both said it in sync.

"So what brings y'all to L.A?" I said after we all died down.

"We're here on business. How about you?" Sam answered. We can't tell them the real reason but luckily I have a hobby of being an entertainer.

"Same here. I have a singing gig down at the bar tomorrow night and Camry here will start bar tending. After that guy going crazy she took the opportunity." I wasn't fully lying but it's the bar that the guy who went crazy worked at along with all the other people who went crazy and with us working there we might be able to crack the case.

"Maybe we'll go see you." Dean said with a wink and a signature smirk. I don't know why but the way he looked at me made me shiver in a good way.

"Ok sounds fun."

"Maybe after work we could all hang out in our hotel room?" Camry spoke up I was thanking her for making to were we can meet each other again.

"That sounds nice when do you guys get off?" Sam asked.

"7:00." Camry answered. She was totally checking him out in the process and he was doing the same. Without realizing it the time had slipped away and it was starting to get dark and they all noticed too.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Sam said. We all nodded and agreed but before we all went to our rooms I got Dean's number and Camry got Sam's.


"I'm gonna take a shower." Camry said as she walked into the bathroom. 

"Ok. I'll take one after you." We ended up in the room next to Sam and Dean luckily so it wouldn't be hard to find them. While Camry was in the shower I did some research. I had no luck this was Camry's thing anyways, I'm the violent and flirty one. She's the smart and skilled one. She came out the bathroom in her pj's. I walked in after her.

"Hope there's still hot water!" I shouted from the bathroom. The shower felt nice and relaxing but all I thought about was Dean. I shook him out of my mind and got out the shower, changed clothes, and walked out the bathroom and into bed. 


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys. This is my new story I deleted the other one if you read it I'm sorry but I got tangled up with school and other things I didn't want to continue it but this one is better. Please tell friends about it and keep reading.

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