4. A New God

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A/N: I changed the way how the gods are for the story please don't be mad at me.

After mine and Camry's shifts were over our boss started acting weird he kept asking us personal questions like "are you guys in a relationship? What god do you believe in? Do you know about Greek gods?"

We went to the car where Sam and Dean were.
"We'll see at the hotel. Let us change and we'll talk about the case." Camry told them as we got into our car.


Back at the hotel...

"I don't know what he is but I'm pretty sure he's some kind of god or worshiper by the way he was talking." Camry told us all.

"I need more information on him to find out." Sam said while looking up from his computer.

"I looked up all types of gods but I still don't know what he is." He said once more before going back to his computer.

"He mentioned Greek Gods and relationships." I stated

"So what some Greek lover?" Dean said.

"Uhm... I don't know about that but maybe the Greek God of love. What's it's name?"Camry told Dean and was asking Sam.

"I know who he is." Sam says looking up.

"Who is it then?" I ask.

"It's Anteros." He says .

"Who the hell is that?!" Dean yells.

"Anteros, the Greek god of reciprocal love. Anteros, the brother of Eros, was the deity of the reciprocal love, but also the avenger of the unrequited love. Anteros, along with Eros, was one of the winged gods of love called Erotes, plural of the word Eros in Greek translating to "loves". Erotes were the two attendant love deities of Aphrodite, and they were usually depicted as winged babies following Aphrodite, their mother." He reads out loud.

"What does that mean?" Camry and I ask at the same time.

"The guy we're messing with right now. He takes people who are in love but won't admit it or cheating couples and make them kill each other as a test to their love." He says calmly.

"That sick son of a bitch!" I yell.I was scared now. Camry and I are screwed.

"Seriously what the fuck!" Dean yells.

"Calm down you two. It just means we gotta find a way to kill this sick bastard."  Camry said calming me down. She could always make me calm down. I was the violent one and she was the calm one. 

"Camry's right we should all calm down and focus on killing the damn thing." Sam said sounding annoyed by Dean and I.

"So how the hell do we kill the bitch?" I asked.

"We need a witch but a white magic witch." He said. Camry and I exchanged a look we knew just the person for this.


"Hey Ainsley it's me Megan. Look I need a favor. Yeah, we're on a case and we need you to do a spell to kill this god thing. uh huh. yeah. ok. thanks bye." I said over the phone.

"She'll be on her way in 3 ,2 ,1." I said while counting down.

"Hey babes!" Ainsley appeared out of nowhere. The guys jumped a little then went on like normal.

 The guys jumped a little then went on like normal

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