2. The Café

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A/N: Before I begin if you don't like the outfit imagine something else also if you have outfits you want in here I'll look it over and it might go in here.

Megan's P.O.V:

It's 7:00 in the morning and I'm up. Why do I always wake up early but at least Camry's up too we're both early birds.

"Wanna go to the cafe down the road and get breakfast before we start asking around?" Camry ask.

"Sure. Lets get dressed first."

"Good idea. I look like I got hit by a bus." We both laughed.

"Same." We got changed and showered.

We started heading out to our car when Camry spotted Sam and dragged me over to him

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We started heading out to our car when Camry spotted Sam and dragged me over to him.

"You're up early." He said.

"Yeah, we're early birds. We were about to go to the cafe down the road if you and Dean wanna join." She said. I rolled my eyes internally. She had a crush on Sam and I knew this wouldn't be good because we aren't exactly good with relationships. We can't have a normal life even if we tried. They always die or are supernatural creatures.

"Sure let me go get Dean. Wanna meet there or drive together?" He asked. I thought about it and I think riding together would be fun.

"Lets ride together in my car." I said. He looked like that might be a problem.

"Is that ok?" 

"Yeah I don't know if Dean will like that though he's really attached to his car but I'll try talking to him. I'll be right back." 

"I know how Dean feels. I don't think I could go anywhere without my baby." I said after he left.

"Yeah I know." Camry said while rolling her eyes.

"Shut up!" I yelled as I gently punched her arm.

"Ow! It's true though!" She exclaimed back. After our little argument the boys came walking up.

"Why can't we take my car again?" Dean whined.

"I thought we could all ride together and get to know each other." I responded, laughing at how he was even though I know that I would be the exact same way.

"Fine." He said while pouting. 

We all got in my car; Dean up front while Sam and Camry in the back. I had Carry on My Wayward Son blaring through my speakers with my top down. Dean seemed to love my car and my taste in music because he was smiling and singing along to the song.

"Carry on my wayward son,For there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more!" We sung in sync. Camry and Sam even joined in. Right as the song was ending we pulled into the cafe parking lot. I turned off the car and got out with everyone following behind. We walked into the cafe and found an empty booth near the back.

"My name's Sydney. What can I get y'all?" Our waitress greeted.

"I'll have pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee." I said.

"Same here and one of those pies." Dean said while pointing to the pies on the counter.

"I'll have a breakfast sandwich and coffee."  Camry responded.

"I'll have a salad and coffee."Sam said taking all the menus and giving them to Sydney.

"Coming right up!" She said cheerfully.

"So what kind of business are you here for?" Camry asked after Sydney left.

"Family business." Dean answered.

"What's the family business?" I asked starting to wonder why they're so secretive. It came across my mind maybe they were like us but they were too cute to live this life. They could have been models!

"Here's your food!" Sydney interrupted my thoughts.

"Thank you." Sam and Camry said while Dean and I already started digging into our food.

"Slow down Megan it's not a race!" Camry exclaimed while looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yes it is. Her and Dean are racing right now I see it in their eyes." Sam told her. He wasn't wrong Dean and I exchanged a look as soon as we started eating and I knew exactly what that meant.

"Done!" I yelled with my arms in the air. Dean had a few bites left on his plate. 

"Holy shit! Dean was beaten by a girl!" Sam looked at Dean and I with a shocked expression.

"Ugh! No way! I've never been beaten!" Dean started yelling. 

"Haha I won you lost!" I started cheering and doing a little victory dance.

"I saw this coming no one ever beats Megan." Camry said. 

"You wanna go scam guys in pool?" I asked Dean.

"Sure, I bet I can get more money than you."He said cockily.

"Oh yeah! You're on!" With that we started our competition.

Camry's P.O.V:

I moved over next to Sam and we started talking. I got to know him a little bit and he got to know me. We both went to law school but never finished due to personal reasons and that's when I messed up.
"I gotta show you this stupid video my professor showed me." I said while laughing. I opened up my browser forgetting I had possible gods or demons that could've been taking the people here.
"You're here for something else aren't you?" Sam asked I was nervous to answer that but before I could answer a pouting Dean and a proud Megan walked back over.
"I got more money than he did!" She exclaimed.
"They are here for the same reason as us." Sam said in a serious tone.

Megan's P.O.V:

"What are you talking about? You wanna be a singer too?!" I asked confused. Then it dawned on me. They were hunters too.

Hey guys so this chapter isn't as long and it's a cliffhanger! Hope you like it.

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