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Now, I currently don't have internet, so I thought "Let's work on a new fan fic and publish what I've done when I next can!!" Sounds like a fairly good idea. I will continue my other book, I'm probably going to rename it though.

I'm... Making this up as I go, I know that's reckless but, actually, Titan blood was made up as I went and it ended... Badly, I'll explain that to you on that book itself.

I will jump to the conclusion Hanji (or Hange, it's just Hanji is by now in my autocorrect meaning it won't change to Hanger every time I type it) is a woman, mainly so I don't keep switching between 'she' and 'they' because I will most likely confuse myself and you.
Reminds me of Alex, my own OC, no idea what eye colour she has.

It may be a bit weirdly written at first, but opening chapters are interesting indeed.

I'm going to do around 350 words a part, I know that's not much but I get to update quicker and it's less stress on me to stretch events.

Now, this is my OTP and what I believe it's like, opinions are opinions and if you start going on about how you like another ship..

Read a fan fic for that ship,
Stop messing with mine.

I think that's good enough explanation.


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