Part four: Typical

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~Later that day~

Hanji exploded into laughter slamming her fist on the desk, causing Helena to back off slightly. "I really don't feel like that was necessary squad leader, I think I annoyed Captain Levi a bit much." Hanji rolled her eyes "You did as I said, that's enough. You'll eventually get used to it, just don't get intimidated and you'll go fine." Hanji said, leaning back in her chair. "You annoyed him like l told you to, you should be proud of yourself."
"Proud?! All I did was shout in his face a bit!" Helena was evidently worried that she'd made a negative impression on Hanji's orders. "You shouted at Levi, it takes allot of guts to do that, especially when you're just a newbie. The last person I told to do that literally crapped themselves."

A knock reverberated through the office, Helena instantly sat straight while Hanji snorted at her typical behaviour. "Come in." Hanji groaned half heartedly, expecting another pile of paperwork. The door was gingerly pushed open, much lighter than either Levi or Erwin would do. Petra stepped in, glancing at Helena and Hanji at turn "Zoë, have you seen Captain Heichou?" Hanji replied, eyebrows raised "Nope but he's probably in his office. And please, call me Hanji."
'Of course squad leader Hanji!"
"Just hanji please."
Petra seemed almost offended by the lack of formal behaviour "Y-yes.. Hanji." Petra practically exhaled the words. "So." She continued "You haven't seen Heichou?" Hanji shook her head in response and stared at the ceiling, getting lost in her own thoughts. "Umm, squad leader Hanji?" Helena asked, bringing Hanji out of her trance. Petra seemed to have already left.
"You may go." Hanji muttered, watching her leave.

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