Chapter 13: Finding a New Friend

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Yello! It's Bubbles!

Guys, the picture above I drew.

Yes, I like drawing!

If you want to see some of my other drawings, you can check out my Instagram!


The 'o' in 'one' is actually a zero. In case you couldn't tell.

And don't mind the slash, I just didn't want to tag anyone..




"We can't just keep her cooped up in Mari's forever! It was just one incident!" Bonnie yelled, Golden inches away from him.

"What if it happens again, smart one? And when it does, we aren't there! What then?!" Golden rebelled.

"I understand that, but she's growing up! We can't just isolate her from everything! Plus, he's in jail! What's going to happen?!"

"He can break out!"


"A spoon!"

"A spoon?! What the hell kind of idea is that?!"

"A smart one!"

I sat awkwardly in the doorway of the kitchen, Bonnie and Golden having at it about (Y/N)'s circumstances.

"Miss Mari?"

I looked down at the feeling of something tugging at my dress. There, stood a very exhausted looking (Y/N).

"(Y/N), what are you doing up?" I kneeled and picked her up.

She looked at the two bickering males by the dining table, a small glare on her face.

I sighed, "Guys!"

The two turned to me, clearly angry.

But that expression faded when they saw (Y/N).

"L-Lovebug! How long you been there?" Golden laughed nervously.

"You and Bonnie woke me up.." She muttered, rubbing her eye with her hand and resting her head on my chest.

"Awe, baby.. I'm sorry.." Bonnie sighed, rubbing his face, "Me and your dad were having a small dispute.."

The two glared at each other again while I rolled my eyes, "Let's get you back to bed, honey. It's too early for you to be awake."

"W-Wait!" Bonnie stopped me.

(Y/N) and I both turned to him, our brows raised.

"(Y/N). Baby.. Would you like to go back to the old ways? I mean.. Like staying around the dining area with all the other little kids while we work? Do you want that?" He walked up to me, Golden continuing to glare at the back of his head.

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