Chapter Fourteen : All About Spring

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Hello! Welcome back!

How was your day?

Mine was great!

Thanks for asking! :D
-Bonnie POV-

"I just feel like you're spending a little too much time with Mari.."

I watched (Y/N) stir a bowl full of flour and water, listening to the conversation Golden and Spring were having.

"What..? What do yo mean..?" Golden asked, clearly confused.

"I mean.. You just spend a lot of time with her! What if someone gets the wrong idea?" Spring mumbled softly.

Spring can get a little possessive over her things.. That's why we don't let her hang around (Y/N) too much.

"Now put these in here." Chica said in her soft voice, handing (Y/N) a small bowl of whisked eggs.

She gingerly poured it into the bowl and giggled softly as Chica started to stir.

"Wrong idea? What's that supposed to mean?" Golden slightly raised his voice.

Spring shushed him, "I-I just feel like you're around her too much. And someone might think you to are a thing."

"So what?! It's not your business. I can hang around her if I want! And if someone thinks we're dating, who cares?" Golden stood from his seat and stomped out of the kitchen, "Just leave us alone!"

You could hear a door slam loudly, the noise causing (Y/N) to jump. She dropped the glass bowl she was holding and tried to grab it as it fell to the floor, shattering on the tile. Before she fell as well I grabbed her myself.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" (Y/N) whimpered softly, tears building in her eyes.

"Cupcake! No, no, it's okay! It wasn't your fault!" Chica laughed softly, picking her up and holding her close to her chest, "It's okay.."

I grabbed a broom from the closet in the hall and came back to sweep up the mess. After doing so, I glanced at Spring who was just silently stirring her coffee.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, Flour Baby." Chica giggled, walking out of the kitchen, "We'll be back before the cookies are done Bonnie!"

I nodded and smiled as she walked out of sight.

"I bet he likes that clown."

I looked at Spring, or more the back of her head. She had her hands clenched into fists while staring down at her legs.

"So what if he does..? You dated a long time ago, Spring. Plus.. I don't think (Y/N) would call you mommy instead of Mari." I chuckled softly.

"(Y/N) calls her mommy?!" Spring turned, eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah. You didn't know that?" I raised a brow, sweeping the glass into a dust pan, "She's grown fairly close to her. Plus she likes the idea of them together."

"Ugh! That's awful!"

I paused, "Why.. Is that awful..?"

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