Mini Chapter ! : Bonnie's Flashback

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I felt something tug at my arm, my body slowly awakening from my slumber.

I turned on my side, (Y/N) standing beside my bed, her hand clutching mine.

"(Y/N)..? What are you doing up baby?" I whispered, slowly sitting up from my mattress to pick her up.

She whimpered, "I had a bad dream.."

I smiled, "And you came to me?"

"Yeah.. I thought Golden would be upset if I woke him since he was so busy today.." She hugged her mouse toy tightly.

I set her on my lap and chuckled, "No one can ever be upset with you. You know that."

"But what if he was!" She looked up at me.

I leaned back against my mattress, sighing softly, "If he was, he'd never take it out on you. Especially if you had a bad dream."

(Y/N) smiled softly and laid on my chest. I brought the blankets over myself (and her) placing a hand on her back.

"Just get to sleep okay? You don't want to be tired tomorrow." I kissed her head gently and sighed, quickly dozing back to sleep.

~3 years ago~



"Hey, ass-wipe!"

I shot up from my bed after being smacked in the face with a pillow. Foxy stood next to me, a baby monitor in his hand.

"(Y/N)'s been crying for the past hour and a half. Go see if you can calm her down." He handed me the baby monitor, grumbling to himself as he walked out of my room.

I rubbed my eyes, dropping the device into my lap. The switch must have been turned on cause as it hit my legs, (Y/N)'s crying lit up my room.

I slowly got out of bed, leaving the monitor where it was. I walked down the hall to (Y/N)'s (F/C) door, sighing to myself as her loud bawling.

I opened the door, seeing her small form flailing in her crib. I smiled, approaching said crib to pick her up.

"What's wrong, baby..?" I whispered, holding her against my chest.

Tears ran down her cheeks, plopping on to the floor. I eventually shushed her to soft whining, her (E/C) eyes staring up into mine.

"Did you have a bad dream..?" I teased, chuckling lightly.

Its not unusual for (Y/N) to wake up in the middle of the night. But she always goes back to sleep once someone rocks her. I wonder why she wouldn't do it with Foxy.

Probably cause he looks so mean.

I laughed at my own thoughts, (Y/N) rubbing her eyes and yawning.

I thought she'd be alright to put back down so that's what I did.

But she just ended up crying again...

I quickly picked her back up. Again, she calmed down and just sat in my arms like the tired baby she was.


I slowly started out of her room and back down to mine, each step I take seeming to make her sleepier.

When I made it to my bed, and sat down, she was already passed out. I smiled and laid down, placing her gently on my chest. She mumbled silently but stayed asleep, curling her little legs up against herself.

"Goodnight, baby."

I kissed her head gently before turning in for the night once again.



It was quick but I thought it was cute.

Words: 570

Adopted By The Misfits (FNAF X Child! Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt