Mini Chapter! : Foxy's Flashback

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I can't sleep so here's another chapter!


"Look Foxy!"

I glanced beside me at (Y/N), her small form sitting in her plastic (F/C) chair, her braces preventing her to sit properly.

Although I felt bad for her because I had to watch her on her face day of having braces and it was miserable, I looked at what she was drawing.

"It's you and me! And Chi-Chi is in the background making cupcakes!" (Y/N) giggled slowly standing up.

She whimpered as she fell forward, Foxy catching her before she hit the floor.

"Ye' need to get a lil used to walking on ye' own before ye' do that, lassie." I chuckled softly, setting her in my lap.

She continued to draw with me as we tried to pass the time that everyone was gone working.

Poor thing can barely do anything on her own with these braces..

But they're supposed to help her..

I'm willing to try if she is.

~1 Year Later~

I grumbled, waking from my deep slumber. I was on the floor again, Chica lying in our bed, her back facing me.

What was that dream about..?

I remember that moment.. It was nice. She used to love drawing with me.


We've grown so far apart recently..

Ever since we moved to this new restaurant.

In fact, a lot of things have went downhill since we moved to this new place.

The purple crayon.. Chica kicking me out of my own bed.. Everything awful has been happening.

I sighed and glanced at Chica once more. (Y/N) was cuddled up next to her in the blankets. She must've had a nightmare or something while I was still asleep..


I kinda miss her coming to me when she had a nightmare..

I really need to fix our relationship..


I laid back down on the hard floor, pulling the small blanket I had over my body.

I want our friendship back..

I want her to trust me again.


If you didn't notice.

Foxy would talk in his pirate accent at the old restaurant, and he doesn't talk like that often anymore at the new restaurant.

I'll let you kinda imagine why.

And how that affects his relationship with you know who.



Words: 382

Adopted By The Misfits (FNAF X Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now