The amazing news

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It was 10 months since Ash and Serena got married, and after that, they started to build a house just outside lumiose City. One day, Serena felt like throwing up. Ash and Serena at this point we're about 21 years old

Ash: Serena, you okay?

Serena: Yeah. Just hormones kicking in.

It took a little bit before she stopped throwing up, then she got to Ash.

Ash: are you sure your fine

Serena: actually, no.

Ash: should we go see a doctor?

Serena: Yeah. That we can see what's going on.

Ash called a doctor and opened up a dimension bridge to get the Paw Patrol there.

Doctor: So, what seems to be the problem?

Serena: my hormones seem to be kicking in.

Before I continue, the hormones that took effect are the pregnancy hormones. I've learned this in my health sex-ed class.

Doctor: all right. I'll need to take an x-ray picture to see.

It took a little bit, but he came back with results.

Doctor: Serena, you're pregnant.

Ash and Serena: PREGNANT?!?!??

Doctor: yes. You are at week 4, so make sure you check in monthly.

Serena: got it.

After that, about five minutes later, the Paw Patrol came.

Ryder: Hey there. What bring us here?

Ash: we have something to tell you

Pups: What is it? Is dangerous?

Ash: It's quite the opposite.

Serena: I'm pregnant.

Pups: What? That's amazing.

Everest: Well, I have the same experience with Snowy. Remember?

Serena: Yeah.

Ash: And now this big surprise event is taking place, I should have Professor Oak give me my strongest Pokemon.

Serena: You have more than just your Kalos Region Pokemon?

Ash: Yeah.

Ash got to his computer and started to tell his mother and Oak the news.

Oak: I see. You want to protect Serena using your strongest Pokemon,

Ash: Yeah. I'll keep my Greninja and Pikachu. I'll send the others over. And can you bring my other clothes from my journeys?

Delia (Ash's mother): sure.

It took a little bit, but Ash got his strongest. Even his Charizard that hardly loses.

Ryder: You got them?

Ash: Yeah. I'll show one of them. Charizard, I choose you!!

A pokeball opened up and revealed a fire-flying dragon with a flame on it's tail.

Ash: I also asked my mom and she sent me my clothes from my journeys.

Ash: I also asked my mom and she sent me my clothes from my journeys

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Ash got the clothes in a certain way he wanted. He has his hat from Kalos. He has the pants from Kanto. The gloves from Sinnoh. and the backpack from online (I don't know where he got it). And his shoes from Hoenn. Just then, a claw grabbed Serena.

All except Serena: SERENA!!

Then the smoke cleared up.

Paw Patrol: Humdinger!

Ash: Team Rocket. Charizard, use flamethrower on the balloon.

Jessie: Wobbufet, your time to shine!

Wobbufet used mirror coat to reflect it back and do double.

???: Lucario, Aura sphere!

An Aura Sphere came out of nowhere and took out the mirrored Flamethrower.

Lexy: Who are you?

???: I'm Zane from the Unova Region. My partner's Lucario.

Ash: That Lucario looks different than the one I know.

Zane: That's because it's a shiny Lucario. Lucario, lets go full power! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Then, a swirl of steel came around Lucario.

Ash: That's the same thing my Greninja does. Greninja, I choose you!!

Ash's Pokeball popped open and revealed a ninja-looking frog with a long scarf-like tongue around the neck.

Ash: Greninja, full power!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

Then, a veil of water came around Greninja, showing it's true form with a big shuriken on it's back.

Then, a veil of water came around Greninja, showing it's true form with a big shuriken on it's back

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Ash: Greninja, use water shuriken on the rope. Get Serena free.

Ash imitated the same moves and the shuriken didn't even do a scratch on the metal rope.

Ash: I didn't do a thing.

Lexy: I got this!!!

Lexy had a magma blade to use for the advantage. Even that didn't do a thing.

Ash: It's like it's indestructible.

Lexy: Not for my Pokemon. Braixen, use Iron Tail!

Braixen's Iron Tail was nearly enough to break the rope.

Lexy: One more time!

That was the last Iron Tail got the rope to break. After the rope broke, Serena started to fall.

Ash: I got you Serena!!!

He got Serena, just in time before she hit the ground.

Serena: Thanks Ash

Ash: Anytime. Greninja, Water Shuriken!!!

Zane: Arcanine, use Fire Blast!

Arcanine used Fire Blast and combined it with the Water Shuriken and made a Fire Shuriken.

Ash: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu: Pika! PIKA-CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Team Rocket and Humdinger: Looks like we're blasting off again!!

Wobuffet: WOBUFFET!!!

Ash: Hey, thanks a lot!

Zane: No prob.

Pups: Serena, you okay?

Serena: Yeah.

So our heroes have made a new friend: Zane, and the Paw Patrol including Everest, will help Serena with the child. Stay tuned, as the adventure continues...

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