Month 5

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Before you ask, yes Serena is getting close to her due date. Now, into the month. Serena was saved again from Team Rocket, thanks to Lexy's combo wit Braixen Brazen and Ash's Pikachu using a combo of Iron Tail and Electro Ball. Having Lucario use that power to take them out. After that, all of their friends offered to stay until the child's born.

May: Man, that was some battle.

Serena: yeah. Tell me about it.

Dawn: You okay Serena?

Serena: Yeah. At least my baby girl's safe. I'm fact, I might need some help.

May: What is it?

Dawn: Yeah, what do you need.

Serena: can you help me going to the store to get the baby food, drinks, and the diapers?

Dawn: Sure thing.

May: I'd be happy to help.

Serena: Thanks.

So they drove off to the store to get some stuff for when the baby arrives. Before they drove off, Lexy asked them,

Lexy: can I come with?

Serena: Sure. The more hands, the better.

Lexy: Awesome. There's room for one more person. Maybe we can bring Ash?

Serena: If he wants to come.

So Lexy asked Ash if he wanted to come with to get the stuff for the baby for when it comes.

Ash: Sure I will. With great care, come great responsibility.

Lexy: Awesome.

Cash register person: So, you becoming a mother?

May: No. I'm helping a friend because she is pregnant.

Person: Got it.

So they finished getting the stuff, and then went home, but when everyone was asleep, Serena was still up.

Serena: It won't be long girl.

Ash: trouble sleeping?

Serena: Ash. Sorry to wake you up.

Ash: It's okay. Are you nervous?

Serena: About What?

Ash: Well, we are going to be parents soon, and I overheard that Lexy asked to help you with the delivery.

Serena: They really said that?

Ash: Yeah. He's also been in health college, so this shouldn't be problem, maybe it will. Maybe it wont be as good.

Serena: I hope it goes well.

Ash: I hope so. Hear that?

Serena: Hear what?

Ash: The music. It's the same from when I was around the Orange Islands. The song of Lugia.

Then Serena heard it.

Serena: It's so peacefully calm.

They heard it for a little bit, then ash told Serena something.

Ash: Serena.

Serena: Yeah?

Ash: I overheard Lexy about a vow that was personal. I promised not to tell. He made an exception of Telling you.

Serena: What is it?

Ash: He said that he keeps getting stronger for those who are on their way, so that means he will keep getting stronger for our baby girl.

Serena: Maybe that's the reason for the combo move.

Ash: Maybe. I'm not sure why, but this sounds like team rocket and Humdinger want to start a war.

Humdinger: You got that right.

Ash: What are you doing here?

Humdinger: Simple, to give you information. Team Rocket fired me. Because I kept getting their way. Even when we attempted to get Snowy and a few of Lexy's friends.

Ash: How do I know that you aren't lying?

Humdinger: because I have this.

He threw a stone to Ash and Serena.

Ash: Is this??

Humdinger: Yes. A mega stone for your charizard. But it's different from mega X and mega Y.

Ash: Maybe mega Z.

Humdinger: Maybe. I don't know much of this yet. That's all the information I have. Once I get more information, I will return immediately.

Ash: Got it.

So this marks the end of month 5. I will do one last skip to month 8. Which will be the time of The New Ketchum.

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