The Reflection

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"Hi, hehe..."

The blond boy entered the house and began to observe in all possible directions. The older twin approached and offered him a seat, which he immediately refused. When Saeyoung asked why, the answer took him off guard.

"I want to talk to your brother," he said with a smile.

Saeyoung wasn't very convinced given what happened last time, but it made him happy to see someone interested in talking to Saeran, so he indicated him that he was in his room as usual and that he could come to see him without problem.

After going to the room, Yoosung could verify that, indeed, Saeran was as usual. Or so he believed, since the only time he had seen him was only a couple of days ago.

He started walking towards a nearby chair that was in front of a desk and sat on it. He knew that Saeran had noticed his presence despite not taking his eyes off the window, so he began to speak to him.

"The other day we didn't start well, so I came back for a rematch, what do you say?"

The energy he projected this time was different. However, Saeran didn't want to believe anything.

"Go away," he replied reluctantly.

"Um... Okay, I'll leave —he said softly—... But with one condition —Yoosung waited for an answer and, even though he never got it, he decided to keep talking. He already knew that Saeran noticed his presence, so therefore he was listening equally, for better or worse—. You'll let me tell you something I can't talk with anyone else."

There was another awkward silence, and although he felt the same way, he began to tell Saeran his little story of how he captured a rare monster on LOLOL with his team.

Saeran did his best to not listen, but in the end he ended up doing it anyway. Yoosung seemed so immersed in the history that even his voice reflected it, and this made him curious.

How could a game make someone so interested that he got so excited about it? He didn't understand.

For his part, Yoosung had left behind any trace of nervousness. Talking about LOLOL kept him in his comfort zone, so he gave himself the pleasure of expressing himself as he always wanted, since Saeran didn't utter a word.

After finishing talking about his little adventure, he said goodbye and left.

"Foolish boy, he just came to tell me about his stupid game..." he thought.

Two days later Yoosung returned. Saeyoung opened the door with the same strangeness as the first time Yoosung suddenly came in, and after a few minutes of conversation with his friend, he understood that he had returned to see his brother. He told him that Saeran was in his room just like the last time and he went a little fearful —as usual— over there.

Yoosung came straight from his university, so when he entered he greeted Saeran with some fear and sat on the floor leaning against the wall, leaving his bag aside.

"Get out..."

"But I have something to tell you!"

This time he began to talk about how unfair two teachers had been to him, both of them taking a surprise exam. He insisted that it was some sort of plot against him, since he had arrived late to the last classes because he had stayed at one or another LOLOL event.

Saeran listened attentively even though he didn't want to. It was as if the boy's voice was spinning in his mind.

After finishing talking about it, he said goodbye and went to his house.

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