The Lie

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Some time passed and the boys spoke more naturally than before. Yoosung could pull off any subject without feeling so nervous, and Saeran would sometimes look at his eyes as they spoke. This was the only thing that could make him nervous, since the first time he saw directly into his eyes he could feel the intensity of his gaze. A gaze that tried to hide many things, but at the same time it showed the anger that he felt against the world. However, that fear was obscured by the happiness he felt at the thought that they had finally been able to get to that point where they spoke as they looked into each other's eyes. This proved that, after many months, Saeran finally trusted him. He felt that all the way there was worth it, because he was already becoming part of his family, even if it was onesided. Also, it was most likely that when the turn of the other RFA members came, they would require his help.

To tell the truth, Yoosung had no problem helping them —even knowing that it was a difficult job—, but he didn't understand why they didn't want to insist on approaching. He supposed it was because they had busy lives with their jobs and all that... Instead, he was an ordinary person. He always felt that way.

The conversations with Saeran had become more interesting since he began to respond with short but concise sentences. When he answered only with a word or two Yoosung found it hard to keep talking, since he didn't know if Saeran was angry or not. Now it was different.

Everything was going great.

Saeran felt that he had finally managed to establish a bond —in addition to his brother—, no matter how small it was. Although in the background, I knew it wasn't a small bond. The idea of it began to spin in his head since Yoosung returned after several weeks without visiting him for his exams. He had become an important part of his everyday life, even if he tried to deny it. He had already analyzed the pattern of his visits, and from time to time he could hear his brother talk on the phone with the blonde arranging them.

Unintentionally, he had begun to feel things he had never felt before. He already knew excitement and anxiety, but this was a completely different feeling. The only problem was that he didn't know how to define it, and that made him moody from time to time.

Like every week, Yoosung was once again visiting. He was talking about one of his teachers at the university whom they all esteemed for her advanced age. He said it was like having a grandmother there, since she cared a lot for some of her students. Sometimes she would scold him for being late or half asleep in class, since he knew his vice for some video game. Also, he told him that she was a person with a lot of experience in her field and that he aspired to know as much as her —and even more— someday.

It was in the midst of this conversation that Saeran realized that he had never wondered why Yoosung had chosen that career. He thought that this would be a good time. They were on the subject, after all.

Yoosung couldn't help but feel nervous when Saeran became interested in his reasons for studying veterinary medicine. He just wasn't expecting it. He hesitated a little, but finally managed to clear his throat and began to explain.

Saeran was interested to know, indeed he was, but after hearing the name Rika so often in the story — even if he asked for it— he felt a little dejected. Then he remembered what Saeyoung had said about Yoosung's adoration for his cousin. That he saw her as a role model, that she was someone important to him and others. Saeran had already realized this on his own during the many months he had been hearing what he had to say, but he never imagined that Yoosung's admiration for her was... so great. Besides, it made him uncomfortable to hear about her after all the damage she did to him and his brother.

For the first time, he decided to stop listening to what Yoosung was telling him. He didn't want to know about Rika... but then, another name caught his attention in the middle of the story.

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