The sun?

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Days passed, turning into weeks, and Yoosung didn't understand when everything had become so different. Each visit was colder than the previous one, and Saeran no longer responded as before. It was as if they had gone back to the beginning, where he only stared out the window and ignored his presence, even knowing he was there. Yoosung began to wonder what he could have done wrong to make it all turn that way, but he couldn't find an answer. Only managed to associate it to that day when he began to talk about Rika and V, when Saeran asked about his career. Had that made him angry? Perhaps Seven was right that it was a tricky subject for him? If that was the case, then he understood that Saeran would get upset, though he didn't think the change would be so abrupt.

What was happening hurt him a lot, especially since Saeran had become someone very important and special to him. He didn't have many friends off screen, and for him, Saeran was that and much more. He was grateful that someone with his past had trusted an ordinary person like him. It was different from the friendship he had with Saeyoung. Saeran... made him feel more than that. By his side he felt that he could talk about anything and he would listen, even if he didn't care about the subject. He noticed it, since he seemed to be an observant and attentive person from the beginning, despite his indifference.

Day after day of visits, he tried to keep the thread of the conversation going, but Saeran's indifference made him want to see him carefully, waiting for him to turn to look him in the eye, as before... but this didn't happen.

One day while Yoosung was trying to find a topic of conversation as he struggled with Saeran's rejection, Yoosung began to despair.

What could he do?

"You know... Maybe this doesn't matter to you, but I don't have many friends —He began to say—. When I went to school it was different, there I was quite popular, but after entering the university everything changed... I wanted to change my image, and I even found a hobby that is LOLOL... I... I haven't said this to anyone else, but the truth is that I feel so envious of people like you. Jumin, Zen, Jaehee, Seven, Rika, even V... and you too —His voice cracked a little, causing Saeran to turn to him slyly after weeks of pretending to ignore him. Then he noticed that Yoosung was doing his best to hold back a pout, it seemed that he was about to cry—. I am just an ordinary person, without grace. I don't have great talents beyond playing all day. If it wasn't for the university, I would be a total slacker... It hurts a lot to think that you are good for nothing, that you will never reach those you admire no matter how hard you try. And it hurts even more when the one you want to reach insists on steadily getting away from you. I... Ah, I don't know what I do saying all this, I must be making a fool of myself" He finished saying, covering his face with both hands.

He really felt he was making a fool of himself, but just when he was going to resign himself and run, a presence alerted him.

He removed his hands from his face, and could see that Saeran was only inches away. He gasped, because he didn't even notice when he got out of bed and crouched in front of him.

What a bad day to sit on the floor and not the usual chair, huh?

His cheeks burned, his heart felt like it was coming out of his chest. Saeran's eyes were fixed on his again, after weeks of rejection.

What was happening?

"Ah..." he tried to articulate.

"You are not an ordinary person."

"What are you saying...?" he murmured, looking away to the floor.

"In my opinion you are not an ordinary person. A normal person wouldn't have insisted so much on me."

"Is that... a compliment?" He asked himself.

Saeran sighed and returned to his place on the bed by the window, watching the sky. He knew that if he stayed much longer near Yoosung something could happen, although he couldn't define exactly what.

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