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Everyday is the same routine.Nothing ever exciting happens.I hate it.

Im tired of crying.Im tired of yelling.Im tired of being sad.Im tired of pretending.Im tired of being alone.Im tired of being angry.Im tired of feeling crazy.Im tired of feeling stuck.Im tired of needing help.Im tired of remembering.Im tired of missing things.Im tired of being different.Missing people.Feeling worthless.Feeling empty inside.Not being able to just let go.Wishing i could start all over.Dreaming of a life i will never have.Wishing i could start all over.But most of all im tired of being tired.So tired.All the crap people say.

 All the crap my dad talks about.He never shuts up.The crap kids say at school, they never shut up either.Teasing people, making things sound gross.Its like they've stayed immature and they're never growing up.If i didnt want to be a loner, if i didnt need my friends, if i didnt want to have fun, i'd be the most mature person at my school.

People think they know me, well, let me tell you, they dont know shit.They dont know what my life has been like.You think im mean, you think i hate everybody, you think i hate the world, you think i have anger issues.Well everything you thought about me is wrong.I'm not mean,  i tell the truth.I dont hate everybody, they just think they know a lot.I dont hate the world, i hate how nothing good is ever in it.I dont have anger issues, i just dont have the patience for stupid people.

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