The Devil...

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 You think im the devil? Really? ok thats fine with me.

you think im the devils daughter and that im evil to the core? thats ok.

because your totally right, right? im evil to the core.

i have no emotions, i do and say anything thats possible just to hurt prople. i love seeing people cry, relish in their sadness. This is what i am to you you right? im no good, everybody hates me because im evil. 

if im so evil why do i cry and hurt when you say these things to me? the devil cries too right?

why do i love and hate? wait a second, the devil cant love can it? you know since your the expert on my whole life, you know everything about me, what i am and all.

why do i laugh? the devil cant feel happiness, can it?

why do i smile? hold on, can the devil feel joy? tell me, im lost, you say im the devil. but the devil doesnt: cry, hurt, love, hate, laugh or smile. so if im the devil why can i do all those things?

am i a different kind of breed or something? im lost help  me.

Its ok if you think that but can i say im not mean or evil? i just tell the truth, people need to hear the truth. you think i say it just to be mean, but no i dont, i say it because im actually helping them. if i say you look bad in something or your doing something wrong im trying to help you, make you be better.

 But tell me this B.L. you are no better than me. im the devil? yea? well your a waste of my time. i spent a lot of my time on you that i will never get back. and sometimes i regret it, sometimes i dont. regret you and your attitude. you better fix it cause youll find it harder and harder to find friends who will deal with your crap.

its okay im the devil. but you are lower than me. i am superior you are inferior.

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