Do it right

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  So im one of those friends who dont really say anything but im just there to help through tough situations. Ive been through so many, but the most ive been through is people who have cut themselves.

 Every time i have one of my friends cut themselves i swear i want to scream till i cant no more. The worst part is they show me, its bad if i find out myself, but if they show me???? Seriously? Okay i get it your life is bad, terrible even. But isnt everybodys? I think trying to take your life is the easiest way out, your a coward, pathetic. You dont desrve my time. And yet i stayed, through every cut my friends had, was there for them. But, every tim ehtey cut themselves, i would slap it, just one slap but enough to make it red. 

Okay yeah you cut yourslef, say you want to die. Cut yourself more and more. Scars like thin white veins, your legs, your arms they carve your body. Until you are unrecognizable. You do it over and over. Why? yes your life is bad, then end it already. You say you want to die then die. But dont cut yourself for fun, i know you know the right place to cut, the right amount of pressure. So do it right dont make me sit there as you show me all these terrible things. Just die already, you want to, so die. Youll be happy right? No one will be able to bother you anymore. Youll be free, youll have no one.

Im tired of it, im tired of you. Die already!!!! Dont make others suffer cause youre unhappy. Die, you want to, you think it will solve everything dont you? Think everybody will be happier without you? Then die, while you watch from heaven or hell, watch ALL these people show up at your funeral. See how important you are, or how important you were. Youll be screaming 'no!! give me another chance!!' But no one will, you see life doesnt offer you second chances; it doesnt offer you a do over. You get one shot and if you screw that up then itll be your fault. You want to die? Then die already, but make sure its worth it.

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