Stupid Media

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Zoe's p.o.v
After school is over I head home and watch as the buses drive by. I might as well prepare myself for tonight. I sigh slightly because my home is very far away but I rather walk by myself then be by people.
~an hour later ~
I knock on my door and a woman opens the door, my adoptive mom, she is once again wearing those overalls with a blue shirt underneath it, she usually has her brown hair in a ponytail, her brown eyes watching me carefully.
"Hey sweetie,how was school?" She smiles
"It was fine I guess" I shrug as I walk past her and into the kitchen.
"Any new friends?"
"No" I think for a second, "actually I'm going to a party tonight if that's ok?" I say/ask I mean come on if it wasn't for her I'd be dead so I'm respectful to her.
"Oh so you do have friends! That's great, yes absolutely you may but can you be back around 12:00 at least sweetie?" I nod my head and go upstairs to get dressed... I end up wearing a skin tight black shirt with blue skinny jeans and some vans, I sit on the couch and watch the news to see the weather for tonight.
Weather Reporter: Hello everyone! As you may well know tonight its going to get very dark near or around 7:00 p.m so be safe and get home safely...
I grin slightly this is just perfect but of course I can't do anything to anyone unless they do something to me first.
*knock knock*
"I got it, its for me see you later tonight!!" I grab my small purse and walk outside with Rick, he walks around and opens the door for me and I slide in and get comfortable while he walks around and gets back in his car.
"Sooooo you ready?"
"Yeah I guess, I'm a little nervous though." I chuckle slightly
"Hey don't worry about it, I'll be with you" he smiles at me and starts his car up and he drives down the road going by some curves until we finally get to the house, I look at the sun and the man was right it already felt like nighttime. We got out and Rick knockes on the door and woe behold its him,Josh.
"Heeeeeey guys" he slurres and looks me up and down. This is gonna be a problem.
"Yeah man so has it started yet?"
"Oh yeah come on man,come on in" he grins...
~a little after 9:00~
"Ugh please just get away from me you reek of booze!" I groan as Josh stays by my side,where the heck is Rick he was supposed to stay by me,what happened!?!? I go outside to catch some air but Josh comes with me and now he's flirting with me!
"Oh come on sweet thing~ you know you can't resist me~ just give in~" he nuzzles his face onto my neck and wraps his arms around me and push him off.
"No! Now leave me alone!!!" I'm basically warning him because if he doesn't stop I'm going to snap and it won't be good... He didn't heed my warning and pushes me against the wall slides his hands up my shirt, I snap and pull my knife out of my purse and stab him in the heart, he looks at me wide eyed and grips the knife hilt tightly and I can just barely see the blood dripping from his mouth as he falls down, I quickly check his pulse... Dead crap this is bad how can I get out of this situation now!? Oh what his hand prints will be on it but they'll think I did it (which I did) oh no...oh I got an idea please work!!!!! I walk back into the house acting slightly tipsy and I look around frantically trying to find Rick I quickly run into the kitchen and see Rick laughing it up with some dumb blonde and I run to him gripping his arm and staring up at him with worry...

Rick's p.o.v
I'm having a blast chatting with one of my old friends until I feel my arm getting griped and I look down to see that girl clinging onto my arm, when she looks at me her eyes are full with terror and fear and I immediately put down my cup and grab her by her shoulders and try to calm her down.
"What happened?"
She looks like she's about to cry and she finally tells me the horrific story...
"I-i went outside to get some air b-but I hit something with my foot and when I b-bent down i-i saw that it was... J-josh... H-he's dead Rick." I grab her hand and run outside with and go to the place she told me where it was at and I open the flashlight app on my phone and immediately drop my phone even though I only saw a glimpse of it, I saw him laying there hands over the knife hilt, eyes open wide with surprise and fear but no light in his eyes, they have been glazed over, mouth open as to say something but never was able to... I break down crying and the girl gently rubs my back and I look up and get my phone and dial 911 and within a couple of minutes the police are here. Of course everyone runs out scared, the only that stay are the girl,my old friend, and John, even though he didn't seem fazed at all about his brothers death as if somehow his brother deserves it..
A police man walks to me, "alright son,it seems  that this is a homicide but the killer no where to be found unfortunately but can you explain anything else?"
"I'm sorry sir but I didn't find him first,she did." I point at the girl.
"Ah alright, what's your name?"
The girl stared at the man for a long time before answering
"Its Zoe." Ah so that's her name.
"Alright Zoe can you tell me anything else?"
"I was already a little tipsy but when I came outside I could've sworn I heard another girls voice but I didn't pay any attention to it and rested for a while but then the voices stopped and I went to check and I found him.."
"Alright darling thank you for that information, you can go home now." He smiles at her and pats her head and turns to me.
"Can you drop me off,please" it was barely over a whisper but I agree and we ride back in silence until we get to her house, "thanks for the ride." She smiles and leaves. I should have stopped her and asked if she was ok I mean that's horrible thinking you're going to have a fun time just to be the victim of a murder.... I'm sorry Zoe.

Zoe's p.o.v
Let the official cat and mouse games begin, I smile slightly and fall asleep, the next morning its Saturday and I turn on the news after I took my bath...
News Reporter: Good morning everyone yesterday something terrible has happened late last night a boy, Josh, was murdered the police rule it as a homicide, the parents say he's a good kid and had little to no enemies and his body was found at the side of his house with a knife gabbed into his chest right where this heart is, he was found by a girl named Zoe... And that's all we have on this story until next time.
I turn the television off and scoff, stupid media...

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