What the Hell?

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Ricks p.o.v
    I yell her name before I saw her shadow fall to the floor and my heart stopped, she couldn't be dead... I ran as fast as I could towards her and slowly picked her body up checking her pulse.....thank god she's alive I pick her up not really wanting to know about the other two shadows not moving nor breathing I could only focus on her. When did I get so attached? I sigh as I gently chuckle to myself, I haven't liked someone like this in a while, I look at her face as moonlight shines on her face I smiled till I saw the blood. I raced towards the house, putting her on the couch and running to the kitchen to get the first aid kit, once I return I take off her shirt wiping away all the blood from her chest and arms finding cuts here and there, she probably won't forgive me for doing this but I have too I need to make sure she's ok though. Once I treat all her wounds I race upstairs to find her a pair of shorts and a shirt, I race back down and check her pulse again, (ok good she's still breathing) I lift her up continuing to clean her back as much as I could then put her shirt back on. (And now her pants) I really didn't like doing this but it had to be done, once I got her pants off I immediately put her shorts on before cleaning her legs off and treating her wounds.
I sigh as I lean my head back on the couch as I let reality settle in that there might be two dead bodies out there, (should I go ahead and check? I mean she's asleep so it shouldn't matter right?) I clean up my mess I made and got her a blanket and pillow before grabbing my phone and flashlight heading outside towards the crime scene as I walk towards it I pull out my phone and pull up the my dial pad until I reach the spot and drop my phone....... what the hell happened here?

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