Too close for comfort

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Zoe's p.o.v
I immediately rushed forward grasping the girls throat as she stared at me wide eyed and scared, I love the way their eyes go when they realize that they're about to die a painful death. I repeatedly smashed her skull against the roof squeezing the life out of her then I stop and stare at her almost lifeless body and grin as I drag her towards the railing
"P...ease....s...op" She barely could speak as I continued to drag her, I look over the railing and pick her up (end of fight?)
"Bye bye loser" I smile innocently and shove her off the railing, you could just barely hear her scream until she hit the ground I watched as a hysterical teacher came out and I move before she could look up at me and suggest that I did something that was until I turned around
"W-who are you?" She stuttered immensely terrified
I tilt my head "no one of your concern, do I need to kill you to?"
"NO!!! Please no, I just want to live my life and take care of my family, please!!!" She begged screaming with tears flowing down her face, I almost felt sorry for her so I kneel down in front of her and place my hand on her shoulder to which she flinches at.
"When the police are called if you get interrogated lie to them and I won't kill you or your family got it?" I tightened my grip slightly as I finished my sentence, she immediately nods her head with that I got up and left going straight to the bathroom to clean up what little blood I had gotten on me. I look in the mirror and start washing the blood off me and then I open the doors to find two policemen waiting.
"Zoe?" One of the men asked
"Yes, what do you want?" I tilt my hip slightly with my hand on it
"Don't get sassy little lady you're coming with us to answer a few questions." I shrug and follow them until we get outside were there is a stretcher now with who I assume is that girl I killed, they block my view as they see me stare.
"Look, some students say they saw you go up to the roof and then she died. Are these accusations true?"
I look at him, "yeah, I went up because I needed air and as I was enjoying the view I heard some ruckus on the stairs so I hid and they came out fighting and i tried to stop them... but then she turned to me and fought me so I did the only thing I could think of...." by the time I was done I faked my tough persona breaking, shaking my shoulders slightly and letting fake tears fall down my face.
    "H-hey it's alright you were just looking out for your classmate but we'll have to ask the other girl if what you say is true or not" I nod my head slightly and let the other policeman gently walk me away and sit down to try and calm myself down. A couple of minutes later the man comes back with a look on his face it wasn't showing any emotion and that slightly unnerved me so I just kept up the act just in case, so I look at him giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could ever make.
    "I-is she ok?" He looks at me for a second thinking about something, the tension was so tense it was making the other man nervous and uncomfortable because he didn't know what was going on as me and the other one stared each other down until he looked down
    "She...she killed herself leaving a note saying how she couldn't bear the guilt of having someone killed because of her." I immediately had real fear in my eyes and bent over to pretend that  I was crying again but really I knew something wasn't right and I bet Ralph had something to do with it..... just you wait Ralph I WILL find you and kill you

HOPE YALL LIKE THIS CHAPTER :3 love you guys for reading my story ☺️

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