The final straw

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Zoe's p.o.v
I stare at the ground as I gather my thoughts I-it couldn't have been him, he's he shouldn't even BE calm down Zoe you can find him and kill him easy as that....yeah
    "Miss are you ok?" I feel a hand on my shoulder and I immediately jump away from him and look up at the man with fear and real tears coming down my face, I didn't wait, I rushed straight to my house feeling the oxygen leaving my body while my muscles ache and scream for me to stop but I keep going I didn't stop until I got to my front door swinging it open and slamming it shut as my mom rushes in.
    "Zoe! What happened are you ok!? ZOE!!!!" The last thing I saw was her rushing to me screaming my name as my world was enveloped by darkness.
~dream time~
    "Hahahahaha, your pathetic!!! Just give it up!!! You'll never find out the truth!!!"
    "Sweetie I love you just remember that, ok"
    "Do you want to lead this life?"
    "Hey, lets be friends"
    All these voices... some dead some alive, the real mom so calm and peaceful, the note I found, one of my friends that I first told....and finally Rick, his goofy grin as he talks to me constantly trying to be friends with me.
    He reaches his hand out to me, smiling "lets take on the world together " just as I was about to take his hand I see the gleam of a gun pointing at the back of his head.
~end of dream~
   "RICK!!!!!!" I shouted as I jumped up from my resting position with tears falling down my face, surprisingly I felt two arms wrap around me, one stroking my hair and the other rubbing my back.
    "Hey hey hey, it's ok I'm right here." That's when I froze I slowly look up and it's Rick, he looks at me with that stupid smile on his face, " your face is really red you know that right?"
    "Shut up" I mumble as I look away, I didn't even notice that I had stopped crying, I wipe my eyes as I start to get up but he gently grabs my arm.
    "You can't , you need to rest" he looked at me with worry in his eyes and I sigh and slump down back onto the bed resting my head on his shoulder and he resumes rubbing my back which calms me down quite a lot surprisingly until I hear my phone ding, I stare at it in horror.
    "C-can you hand me my phone"

Sorry everyone I'm cutting it short bc of.....issues I'll be back with the rest of it later I promise

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