two boys one girl part 1 ep1

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Foxy's POV

Today was another boring day at the pizzeria I was sitting in my cove. I worked and live in a pizzeria\house. foxy come meet the new girls said my friend Bonnie. OK I said as I walked out of the cove. Hello said a female's voice. The voice belonged to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had long white and pink hair she was wearing a beautiful pink dress and black boots  she has beautiful golden eyes and she was a fox like me. Did I mention that in our world people were mixed with animals well we are. Sup said the girl next to her she had long purple hair and she was wearing a black shirt, dark jeans and black converse. She had a gold eye the other one was covered with her hair she was also a fox but her ears and tail were a lighter purple and her skin was brown. I'm Mangle and this is my sister Taz ( my character do not steal) the girl I liked said. (Here's what they look like also Taz has magic.)

Nice to meet you I said

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Nice to meet you I said. Its nice you meet you girls said Freddy. How come you don't look like each other asked Bonnie. I'm adopted said Taz. Oh said Bonnie. I'm foxy I said. I'm chica said chica Bonnie's the name said Bonnie. And I'm Freddy  said Freddy. Hey guys said a voice. Hi there you must be the new girls he said. I'm golden Freddy the boss. Your jobs are on the list he said as he handed them two lists. Foxy show them around said golden Freddy. Sure come with me I said and they followed me around the place.

Later after the tour
I'm going to explore see ya said Taz as she walked away leaving me and Mangle by ourselves. So your foxy right? Asked Mangle. Yep that's me foxy the pirate fox I responded. Wanna hang out. Sure I said. Mangle showed me some cool tricks like how to hang upside down from the roof. I tried and failed. Some things I like about her was her smile, the why she laughs she is beautiful and she has a great personality. I'm going to go now bye foxy said Mangle. Later I responded. Wow Mangle is so cute I wish I could ask her out wait what am I thinking I met her not to long ago. I wonder if she will like me back I said. Who asked a voice. I looked up to see Taz. Um don't be mad and please keep it a secret I said. She nodded yes. I like your sister but I only just met her I said. Just take your time and when your ready tell her said Taz. OK I said. I was surprised that she didn't flip out. I sat on the stage thinking about Mangle. I Hope she likes me.

So next part will be with springtrap and mangle also more Tazi I hoped you liked it and I keep updating the story if it gets popular I hoped you enjoyed it.😛😛😛


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