Chapter 1-sold

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Rose's POV
I'm SO excited oh my god.
We are going to NEVERLAND!! I've heard so many story's about it but dad says the leader is a demon. Meh. I don't care I'm too HYPER!
I'm a very hyper person... may I even say.. very.... what the word?
Sassy. Yes.
If any of the pervy pirates on the ship so much as looked at me too long I would always attack them, or say an offensive remark to them.
I'm very good at fighting. Growing up on a pirate ship does that to a person... dad and the crew trained me until I could beat them all. I'm best with a dagger. I always have one in my boot.
I could see an island and I squealed. But wait. Dad said I'm not allowed off the ship.. eh fuck that.
I just HAVE to go on that island. NO idea why.... I just love the.. idea of it? I dunno...
The ship reached its way to the shore. Not ONTOP of the shore.. just in the shallow water that wouldn't even reach your ankle.
I sprinted over to the ladder but something grabbed my hand.
I turned around to see dad staring angrily down at me.
"Oh come on! I was 16 yesterday. THIS CAN BE MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT!" I said and gave him my Daddy's Girl smile.
"Don't you give me that face." He said and smirked.
"Pleeeeeeeease." I grinned wider.
"Your as stubborn as your mother.." he laughed at me and I smirked. Yes I win at EVERYTHING. "Fine.." he said in a low voice.
"YES thank YOUUU" I hugged him.
"But you stay in the back" he glared at me.
"Ok ok don't get your knickers in a twist." I said and giggled.
He smiled at me.
All the crew where on the shore now. They all seemed on edge.
"Come on." He said and walked in front of me.
We both reached the shore and I took in my surroundings in awe.
Oh my god it's so pretty and the forest OH CHRIST it's so beautiful! While I was taking in my surroundings dad was talking to a 18 year old looking boy while I looked around.
Without noticing, I had wandered off to the side so I was in view of the weird group of boys. Meh. Weirdos. Lots of them where staring at me.
One whistled. I twisted around to see the one that whistled. He had freckles EVERYWHERE.
"Shut up freckle face." I glared at him.
"Freckles are a sign of beauty lass." The boy chuckled and the rest with him. The boy that was talking to my dad turned around to look.
"In most cases yes, dickhead." I said and stepped closer to him. "But your an acceptation." I smiled at him, and the boys around him tried not to laugh.
"You better shut your mouth girl" the boy said, basically fuming.
"I'll rip your-" I started at him but my dad snatched me back.
"Rose! What did I tell you." He said angry.
"Oh come on I was hardly gonna let him." I glared at the boy.
"You have a feisty one there, Hook." The boy, that seemed like the leader said.
I turned to him. He had his eyes fixed on me.
I felt uncomfortable with all the eyes on me.
Stupid men. Christ.
"Right I'll be on the ship." I threw my hands up in defeat. I started walking to the ship but an invisible force stopped me. I knew of magic and it's danger and I knew how to spot who was doing it.
"Can you not?" I spun around at the boy now closer to me.
"Hook I'd like to extend our deal." The boy said and turned to dad.
Dad turned to me and looked back at the boy shocked.
"No! Rose is not for sale, pan!" He spat.
"What." I said confused.
"Awh but she is so cute." The boy said and pinched my cheek.
"Hey!" I said and slapped his hand. "..I'm not cute." I glared at him
"Your so cute when your mad." He said with a cocky smirk and the boys behind let out a low laugh.
"Then I'll be just ADORABLE if you touch me again, mate." I said and crossed my arms.
Everyone around tried to not laugh. I could see my dad trying not to smile.
"You know I always get what I want, Hook." He said and turned to dad. "So suggest you take the deal before I have to force you to." The boy said. It was sorta scaring me.
"Rose I promise we will get you back." My dad said ashamed.
"What? No!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry rose." I could see tears in his eyes.
I felt two boys restrain my arms and drag me back.
"Get off me!" I shouted and twisted my arms around to get out of their grip.
"Oh come now Rose. Don't be hard." Pan said smirking.
"Oh yes. I'm going to be SO willing, so VERY happy being taken against my will." I shouted at him while fighting off 5 of his little boys.
"So SORRY." I knocked one to the ground. "If I" all five where on the ground. "Want to KILL YOU!" I kicked one the got up from the behind and the remaining boys stood shocked. I could see shock in Pans face but it was soon replaced by his stupid smirk. I had butterflies
don't even Rose.
Don't you DARE. I gave out to myself.
"Take a picture it will last longer" I said and glared at him staring at me.
"I just might." He said and gave a cocky smirk.
I rolled my eyes and caught a glimpse of the back of the ship.
I brushed past Pan and stared at the ship sail away.
I could felt tears threaten to brim over.
"Awe don't cry." He said and stepped in front of me. "Actually never mind your pretty when you cry." He said like the cocky twat he is.
"I don't cry." I stated and blinked fast so they would go away.
Pan signalled for the boys to go and it was just me and him.
"Everyone cries." He said and folded his arms.
"I'm not everyone." I said and walked a bit away from him and sat on the warm sand.
"I can see that." He sat beside me.
"Why did you want me here?" I looked at him and asked.
"We need a bit of fun around here." He said and looked out into the ocean.
"Well why me then." I looked out into the ocean too.
"You had fire. I like fire." He said and smirked at me. His eyes where going everywhere over me.
"Eyes are here." I said and narrowed my eyes.
"Come on" he said and got up.
Ugh I have no other choice then to follow him.

Authors noteeeeeee
It's me
Can u hear meeeeeee
Ok anyway
Hope you enjoyed

-aoife xxx ❤️

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