Chapter 7

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Rose's POV
Peter looked at me with a worried and angry expression.
"Are you okay?" I asked worried.
"Are you going back with him..?" He asked with a low voice.
"What? Of course not, Peter!" I said in a pleading voice.
"You can if you want. Im not stopping you.." he said with an unreadable expression.
I stuttered for a bit as he gazed at me. Do I want to go? No! He left me!
"I want to be here! With you!" I finally managed to get out.
Peter looked at me with an odd face. No love. His eyes where dull. Scary.
"I've been..." he said looking down. "Weak.. since you came." He said with his eyes glued to the floor.
My heart dropped.
"D-do you want me to go... peter?" I asked him with my voice cracking. Oh no...
"I-I don't know what to say" he scratched his neck.
"I-its ok." I stuttered. "I get it." I said nearly in a whisper.
I went over to the door. He couldn't look at me.
I looked back before I stepped out. He had his eyes glued to the floor.
I stepped out and gently closed the cabin door.
I walked with shaking knees. Shaking more with each painful step. All I could hear was my own slow breath. I blocked everything else.
And walked expressionless through the forest. Not shedding a tear. For I was too in shock.
I eventually came across my dads camp and I sat in the middle staring into the fire.
The blonde one came back first.
"Uh.. Hook?" She shouted behind her.
"What?" He asked and he caught sight of me.
3rd person view
He looked at his daughter. Emotionless. Empty. She looked dead. Just staring into the fire. Not moving a single muscle.
"Rose what are you doing here?" Hook asked his emotionless daughter and her head shot up to meet his eyes.
She got up and ran into his arms. Holding on to him like her life depended on it.
"R-rose are you ok?" Hook asked gently stroking her hair.
"P-pan says I make him weak.." she stuttered. "He would rather me go home.." she sniffed
Her dads heart sank. He always knew the day would come that her heart was broke. And he would kill the boy who did it. But this was his fault. All his fault.she didn't cry. She just looked so heart broken and everyone could feel it radiate off her form.
Her dad hugged her and gave her a place to sleep. She didn't sleep though. She just stared at a tree in front of her.
Everybody felt sorry for her.
Hook came over to her and kneeled beside her.
"Is this was it felt like to lose Mam?" She asked him with depressed eyes.
"I-I don't know your relationship with Pan.. but I can imagine lass, yes." He said and hugged her.
Rose finally went to sleep. He went over to Emma.
"I don't know what to do.." Hook said with pleading eyes to Emma.
"Well she is heartbroken, Hook." She said sadly. "But maybe she knows where Henry is."  She said with eyes filling with hope.
"We will ask her in the morning, love." He said and patted her shoulder

Rose woke up first. Missing when she used to wake up with Peter. But she pushed it out of her mind. " cant think of him" she thought.

Rose's POV
I sat up still staying emotionless. I've never felt heartbreak before. Yes when my dad left me on this god forsaken island.
But never like this. It was like someone split my heart in two. And I could feel all it's broken pieces scattered everywhere. And it weighed down my mind, and how I saw that world. And I'm going to do what I did when Mam died. Be angry at the world for it. And now. I will take Peter down with everything I've got. I will get Henry back, and I will go home with dad.
Peter can rot in hell for all I care. But I will make sure I PUT HIM THERE.
I got up and grabbed some weapons. I woke everybody up and told them I'm going to help them get Henry back, as long as I get to take peter down. They all where scared at how evil I had turned. But I needed to be. As Peter has taught me. Love is weakness.
I led them to the camp and we stalked it for a while. We all then went in and started to fight the boys.
The lost boys where confused why I was so ruthless and so cold. Why I was fighting them.
I started fighting with Felix.
"Rose? What are you doing!" He shouted at me while dodging my hits to him.
"What does it look like dumbass." I said coldly and kicked him in the stomach.
"Rose what happened." Felix said grunting and getting up.
"Peter said I made him weak." I said emotionlessly and knocked Felix out.
I then flipped Devon over on his back when he ran at me. Peter walked over to me confused and I instantly tried to punch him.
"What are you doing." He said through gritted teeth catching my fist as it went for him.
"What does it look like. Connect the dots." I said coldly and went to kick him.
"Rose what's wrong with you." He said and grabbed my leg but I just kicked his face instead.
"Your wrong with me. Because APPARENTLY I make you WEAK." I shouted and spun around so I got out of his grip.
"You have just made an enemy, Rose." He said through gritted teeth. Everyone turned around to see what was happening.
"Oh, Peter.." I said and stroked his cheek lightly. He didn't flinch as everyone was watching he wanted to seem tuff. "We both know you should be more scared of me.. after all..." I said and got closer to his ear. "You still don't know a thing about me. And I know EVERYTHING about you." I spat and pulled away from him.
"Oh, love you will regret that." He said angrily. And a bit red.
I laughed at him.
"Uh huh." I smirked at him. "Why are you the one blushing then?" I whispered and laughed through the words.
He went to grab my wrist but a force sent him flying back into a tree. I stumbled back. Who did that? Everyone around was stunned too.
"Rose did you just-?" Mary Margaret said.
My hand had sparks flying everywhere from it.
I smirked and turned back to an astonished Peter.
"Looks like you have one more thing to worry about, love." I mocked him and he got up.
"Don't threaten me." He spat.
All the lost boys where up now and had all our group held at a knife.
"Ugh" I rolled my eyes. I turned to dad and he had been captured by Devon. "Seriously." I muttered.
I thought hard and everyone's daggers disappeared. Wow. I could get used to this.
"I don't think your in a position to tell me what to do." I said to him coldly and walked into the woods. The group following.

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