Chapter 8

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We got back to where we set up camp. Nobody said anything. I still can't believe I have magic. It's so weird, it's like, I can feel it going through me. Odd, but nice. I walked over to dad.
"Who is my mother." I said with my hands on my hips.
"Uhm" he said and scratched his neck. Everyone turned around to see us
"Don't uhm, me" I said angrily.
"She is a sorceress.." he said.
"IS? She IS a sorceress?!" I shouted
"Y-yes. But she was in another realm. I didn't want you to try and find her!" He pleaded.
"I can't believe this.." I said nearly in a whisper.
"Rose im sorry I just didn't want to upset you." He said sadly.
"Ugh, ok I get it BUT STILL." I hit him lightly. "So I could do that ALL my life?" I asked in a sigh.
"Yeah..."he said and looked down and Emma and Regina smirked.
"Ugh" I sighed and sat on a log.
I looked at the logs and they went up in flames.
"Wohh." I sat and leaned back a bit surprised.
I could REALLY get used to this. I smirked at my thoughts and Emma stood up.
"Ok what are we going to do to get Henry back? We don't even know what Pan wants with him!" She said worried.
"He wants his heart. If he doesn't get his heart he dies." I said non worried and everyone gawked at me.
"Well.." Regina said. "We need to get Henry first." She said and crossed her arms.
"I know where he is I can take you there. It is a treehouse." I said remembering where he stayed.
"Lets go." I said and started walking to the treehouse. I practised a couple tricks with my magic on the way. Like making a fireball. And making things appear. I've sent Regina flying back into a bush by mistake. Again I LOVE HAVING POWERS. But back to the matter at hand. We got to the tree house and I stopped everyone before they tried to climb up with me.
"Ah. We ALL can't go up. You guys keep watch." I said and started climbing the ladder. I opened the birch wooden door and saw Henry sleeping on a bed. I smiled and took a step forward but I was stopped when I saw an angry Peter in front of the bed.
"Move" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Rose your just sad I rejected you." He smirked and took a step closer to me. The door slammed behind me and I scowled.
"Nope." I said and popped the P and smirked back at him.
"Oh, really? Because I think otherwise." He said and backed me up onto the wall and put his hands on either side on my head.
"If I could just get past you-" I said and tried to push past him but instead he just grabbed my wrists and pinned them either side of my head, making my head band against the wood.
"Ow." I scowled at him and he gave that stupid cocky smirk that always gave me butterflies.
I swallowed down my nervousness and he noticed.
"Getting butterflies?" He whispered in my ear, it sent shivers down my spine and I struggled in his grip.
"Ugh, JUST GET OFF!" I shouted and he chuckled lowly.
"Oh, Rose.." he stroked my cheek like I did the day before and I narrowed my eyes at him. "We both know you like this." He said in a low growl and made me shiver. He noticed, UGH WHY DOES HE NOTICE EVERYTHING?! My knees got weak and OH MY GOD HE NOTICED. Ughhh. He grinned at me.
"Can you not." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and huffed.
"No. Admit it. Your mad I want you to leave." He said grinning. This is all his little. GAME!
"Shut UP PETER!!" I screamed and it blasted him through the wall and into the jungle below.
I gasped and gazed through the gaping hole.
I couldn't see him.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"I have to say, I'm impressed." I heard a British voice call from behind me.
I turned around to see Peter pleasantly surprised.
"Wipe that smile off your face." I scowled at him.
"Why? What are you going to do? Well you know you have a mother. Why don't you go and live with her. Leave this behind. But no. Your too sad I don't love you!" He shouted at me and I took a step back. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks falling down on me all at once. I was speechless... I didn't know what to say... i.....I was confused...
All those nights we spent together.. the fun... it was all... a game? A lie? Nothing at all to anybody?
My mouth hung open. My expression was just pure confusion. I-I don't understand.
"I don't understand.." I said with my voice cracking. Not from tears.. "why did you keep me here so long?" I tilted my head.
"I don't know." He ran his fingers through his hair.
"Wow." I said "really?" I scoffed.
"Really." He said and crossed his arms.
I shook my head at him.
"Trust me Peter" I said in disgust. "I don't love you. I HATE YOU!" I screamed and an invisible force choked him in the air. Dark clouds swirled around me and I stared into his green eyes.
I flicked my wrist and it sent Peter back against the wall.
I picked Henry up bridal style while he slept.
"Are you sure you want to do this Rose." Peter said through gritted teeth. "You will regret it." He scoffed.
"Oh no Peter." I shook my head at him and turned around. "You will regret the day you crossed me." I spat and slammed the door on my way out. I couldn't climb down the ladder with Henry so I imagined being on the ground with the group and I appeared there in purple smoke.

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