Chapter 6

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Rose's POV
it was the day Henry arrives. I have to say, I'm excited. I'm not going to be the new kid anymore! Woop woop 🙌🏻.
So I have to get him to trust me. I'm sure I can handle that! It was mid afternoon and all the boys where our with Peter. Probably sorting out the new lost boy. Soon they came back. And he wore odd clothes. He had brown hair. And a red scarf. "Odd...." i muttered.
He sat alone while Peter played the pipes for the boys. They danced and banged. The tune was so nice.
He went over and played it for Henry. But he didn't hear a thing? That was odd.
Peter then gestured for me to go over and talk to him.
So I strolled over and sat beside him.
"Hi!" I said happily and turned to him.
"Your a girl?" He asked astonished.
I looked at him oddly.
"Uhm... yes I think so." I laughed and he forced and slight smile.
"I thought girls weren't allowed on neverland?" Henry asked, dumbfounded.
"Well." I slapped my hands on my knees and looked at him.
"Looks like I'm here anyway." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Are you Wendy?" He asked.
"What? Oh no!" I said and turned my body around a bit to face him more.
"I'm Rose Jones." I said and smiled my daddy's girl smile I always did to get my way. I was always his number 1.
...not anymore I guess.
"What? As in Captain Hook?" Henry asked, as if he knew him.
"He is my coward of a dad." I said and looked back at the fire.
"What happened? I didn't know Killian had a daughter?" Henry asked astonished.
"Yup. He probably forgot ALL about how he abandoned me because Pan threatened him. He didn't even but up a fight." I shook my head and looked down.
"He said he would come back... but it has been a year, probably more.. I've lost count.." I said with my voice cracking.
"Well him and my moms are coming to save me!" Henry said nudging me.
"I'm sure they will save you too!" Henry said and smiled.
"No Henry." I said and faced him.
"He left me all that time ago, not even thinking to come back for me. He is a coward." I said and looked back down.
"Nothing but a coward.." I mumbled and Peter came over.
"How's it going?" Peter asked
"Well I know Rose's dad." Henry said and sorta smiled.
"Oh.." Peter said and looked at my sad expression.
"They are coming for me." Henry said and folded his arms.
"Well that's what Hook said to Rose." Peter and said, grabbed my hand and pulled me up.
"And she is still here." Peter held me by my waist and kissed my forehead.
Henry looked astonished.
Phf. As IF my dad would rescue HIM. If he didn't rescue me, he won't rescue him.
Peter led me into the cabin and I sat down on the bed swinging my legs as he sorted some stuff out on his desk.
"So he thinks my dad and his mother will save him." I scoffed.
Peter gave me a grave expression
Wait a second
"THEY ARE?!" I yelled bouncing up.
"Now Rose calm down." Peter said holding my hands as I processed this.
MY DAD COULDN'T RESCUE ME?! BUT RESCUES HIM!? ugh I'm going to kill him.
I felt tears of anger well up in my eyes and peter hugged me.
I pulled away and looked into his emerald forest green eyes.
"When are they going to be here." I said with an emotionless expression."
"Tomorrow morning." Pan said and looked back at me.
My face dropped and I leaned on Peter.
"What a bastard." I huffed with a cracking voice.
"Come on." He said and led me to the bed. He took his shirt off and got in. I got in after and he put his arm around me pulling me closer to him.
"I'll never go with them." I whispered. And he hugged me tighter and nuzzled into my shoulder.
"Id never let it happen, darling." He said
And I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up alone in the bed, but I knew it was just because he was greeting our, *visitors*.
I sighed and got out of bed. I put on my clothes and went out the door. I knew i would be seeing my dad today, so I wore what I came here with.
I did my hair curly with a braid going around my hair like a crown.
I put a dagger in my boot as I always do. I walked into camp. The dress I wore was quiet short so some boys stared at me.
Ughhh I swear I will punch the next one the whistles at me. Henry smiled when he saw me.
I guess I was the only one that wasn't intimidating. Poor thing. I smiled at him and sat beside him on the log he was on.
"Morning." I smiled sweetly at him.
"Morning, Rose." He smiled back. "Are you and  Peter... together?" Henry asked and scratched his neck.
"Uhm.." I laughed nervously.
"Well have you two kissed?" He asked and tilted his head.
All the boys where looking over now.
"Don't you all have to be doing something?" I seethed at them.
They all smirked and went back to why they where doing.
"Maybe." I whispered in Henrys ear.
"So you two are in love?" Henry asked.
"You have a lot of questions, mate." I said and laughed.
"You sound like your dad." Henry said with a curious expression.
"Well my dad never came back. So." I said and looked infront of me.
"Sorry.." Henry said almost in a whisper.
"No it's fine." I painted on a smile.
Just then Peter walked in with Felix and gestured for me to follow him.
"Sorry, Henry I have to go." I said and followed Peter and he didn't say anything until we got out of camp, on our own.
"Your dad and his little group have come to get Henry back." Peter said trying to break it to me as lightly as he can.
"I want to see them." I said
Peter grabbed my hand and we where teleported to a clearing.
We hid behind a tree and watched them.
"We are never going to find Henry this way!" A dark haired woman said to a blonde woman.
I looked around and I saw him.
Dad... he hasn't changed much... I teared up a bit and Peter squeezed my hand and I looked up and smiled. He nodded and I stepped out from behind the tree.
The dark haired one saw me first and a fire ball appeared in her hand.
"Who are you?" She asked through gritted teeth.
I didn't answer and I just stared at dad until he turned around and saw me.
His eyes widened and he stumbled forward.
"R-rose?" He stuttered. "Is that you?" He asked with tears in his eyes.
"Hook you know her?" The blonde one asked.
"I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot me to be fair." I said and folded my arms glaring at him. He seemed hurt.
"Rose I ment to come back I swear-" he started.
"Save it!" I yelled and everyone stepped back. "You didn't even FIGHT for me! You just left!" I screamed at him. All the built up emotions where coming bubbling up like a great volcano going to erupt.
"YOU DIDNT COME BACK!!" I yelled with a cracking voice.
"Rose I'm so sorry!" He stumbled forwards. He went to grab my arm but I yanked it back.
"Don't touch me." I said coldly.
I felt an arm go around my waist. I knew it was Peter so I continued looking forward.
"Get your hands off her you demon." My dad said through gritted teeth.
"I'm pretty sure your the one she doesn't want to touch." Peter said with a smirk.
"Why didn't you come back for me?" I asked with a cracking voice. Tears ready to spill.
"I-I didn't know how." He said looking down.
"Oh shut up YOU KNEW WELL HOW TO GET BACK!! You just don't want to ruin your SHIP!" I spat.
"And you come back for a boy THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS?" I said disgusted.
"Rose please-" he pleaded. "I'm your father." He said and looked at me sadly.
Tears began to spill. I slowly got out of Peters grip and looked up at him, he nodded.
I fell into my dads arms and he hugged me so tight. I cried because I missed him so much. And I cried because I can't go with him.
"Rose you can come back home with us." My dad said and pulled away smiling.
I stepped back and peter put his hand around my waist again and held me tighter than before.
"I'm afraid her home is here, Hook." He spat.
"Well she is MY daughter." He said and everyone stepped forward ready to help Hook.
"Dad..." I said softly.
"My home is with Peter." I said and met his eyes.
"No!" Hook said,
"She must be under a spell." The one called Regina said.
"Come on Rose." Peter said and he walked me away.
"No!" I heard my dad say. I cried a bit. And Peter poofed us back to his cabin.

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