An offer

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Three weeks later

"Hey!" Mickey yells at one of his employees.

"Get a team with you. You gotta take down Reggie. He's trying to sell coke at the same price I am." He yells at the blond kid.

He never liked Reggie, but he was a good customer.

But no one prices the same or more than Mickey Milkovich.

The blond boy walks away and starts talking to a few other boys.

Once the team leaves Mickey decides he owes Reggie a call.

He takes the phone out of his pockets and calls him.

He puts the phone up to his ear and it rings a few times before Reggie picks up.

"Mr. Milkovich..." he stutters.

"I..I wasn't expecting a call from you today."

Mickey laughs and starts speaking.

"Yeah Reggie, I heard you were charging the same price as me for your...products."

Mickey usually never says drugs or anything like that because he has a slight fear that the government can hear them.

"Um, yes, sir. It was a mistake. I have a rookie who has been selling at the wrong price. We are taking care of it now sir."

"Come on Reggie. You know the rules. No one over my prices. Not even on accident- "

"Wait! Don't hurt me, please. I can give you a boy."

Mickey frowns.

A boy?

"A boy?" Mickey says into the phone.

"Yes, his name is Ian Gallagher. He's young, no older than you, sir."

"You're offering me a person?" Mickey says, confused. He's never been offered a boy.

Take all opportunities. Mickey says to himself.

"Fine. In exchange for your life I'll take the boy. I'll send someone over to get him immediately."

"Thank you sir."

Mickey ends the call and calls the blond kid, who he remembers his name is wyatt.

"Yes, boss?" Wyatt answers the phone.

"Reggies offered me a person. His name is Ian Gallagher. You are to get him from Reggie alive and bring him here."

"What about Reggie, sir?"

"After you secure the boy...kill him."

"Yes sir."

Mickey ends that call and waits in his warehouse full of other employees.

The employees who are taking stock and counting things don't even flinch when they hear him say "kill him."

That's why Mickey likes his employees.

So this is my second gallavich book, I hope you like it. I'm going to be updating every week probably fridays.

Hope you guys like it, check out my other gallavich book.

stay ok

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