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Before we start, yes I know it's been a long ass time ok. Y'all gotta remind me to do this shit lmaoo. And yes the title of this book is directly related to the book and movie called the outsiders. I fucking love that movie.

Mickey opens the door to the safe room.

"I changed my mind." He smiles and Ian smiles slightly back, trying not to give any real sense of emotion to Mickey.

"Are we going now?" Ian asks seeing as Mickey didn't sit down.

"Yeah, so let's go" Mickey sounded like an employer instead of a friend when he said it. He cringed inside. That's not the way it was supposed to come out.

Ian stands and Mickey turns around and walks out of the safe room.

"Anything you want to do first?" Mickey says walking slightly ahead of Ian.

"What even is there to do?" He doesn't know what it's like. What is there to do?  He knows shoes are a big thing. Jordan's. Nike air Jordan's. That's what they liked to wear and talk about. Always shoes they didn't care how much they cost. And "off-white?" Is that even a color? It's confused Ian forever he didn't know what any of those words meant.

"There's so much. Shopping, and lots of food mainly. But little stores here and there that are different" They exited the warehouse and into the garage. Mickey grabbed his pocket from the front of his jeans and looked for his keys. They were right next to the remote, that was turned off.

He took his keys out of his pocket and clicked the unlock button.

The headlights of an all black Dodge Charger lit up. Even though Mickey has money, he didn't like to spend it on stuff he didn't care for. He didn't buya lot of fancy clothes or expensive houses or waste his money in any way. But this car was the breaking point.

He loved that car. So he bought it. The most expensive thing he's ever bought for himself.

Ian walked slowly to the car and pulled the handle and opened the door as Mickey did the same time. Mickey got in the car and sat down before Ian had even opened the door all the way.

Ian got in quicker not wanting Mickey to wait on him and he sat down in the car, all of his muscles were tensed.

He watched as Mickey stuck the key in the ignition and then put his seatbelt on.

Seatbelts were a thing, so Ian remembered to put his on.

The car started and Ian looked worried. He had hardly been in cars before let alone one this intimidating.

Mickey put the car in drive as the metal gate opened in the garage. They drove out and into the sunlight which shone in both of their eyes.

Instinctively they both put down the visors. They headed out onto a somewhat busy street and made a right turn.

Ian started to relax. The car wasn't as scary as he thought it would be. Maybe he wasn't afraid of the car but maybe how Mickey would drive it.

Fast cars usually go fast. But he didn't drive fast. He drove the sports car like it was an old show car. Ian thought that was funny.

He didn't like sitting in the silence anymore and Mickey could feel the awkwardness building.

"You drive like this thing it's from 1950" he paused "usually fast cars go fast."

Mickey looked at him "oh yeah?" He waited for the car ahead to get far enough ahead and he hit the gas and made the engine rev, hitting 60 in about 3 seconds. He pushes on the brakes but didn't slam on them.

Ian looked nervous but laughed

"It's a nice car, I just like to chill out a bit you know? Not in a rush or anything"

Ian felt oddly comfortably looking at all the stores that sold numerous things. He felt normal when he seen all the people walking up and down the sidewalk carrying bags and iced coffee?

There was a lot of iced coffees.

"Is iced coffee good?" Ian asked after noticing the abundance of them.

"I think it can be. I guess maybe it depends on what kind you get. I personally don't usually like it but you might. You wanna try some?"

"Yeah." He said looking out the windows of the car.

"Alright. But we are not going into Starbucks because that place confuses the hell outta me" He laughs.

"What other place has iced coffee then?"

"Mc fucking Donald's isn't bad. You like McDonald's?"

"Yes." He said so seriously it made Mickey nervous

"You hungry?"

"Literally always" he smiled and his eyes lit up as they turned into the McDonald's parking lot.

Just a lil chapter to hold u over :))

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