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"Marko." Mickey says as he sees Marlo walking up to him.

Marko puts a hand through his brown hair and pushes it to the side.

Mickey realizes it's getting fairly long. Marko never liked his hair long.

"Yes sir."

"Remind me what day Kenny will be coming home."


Mickey looks around at his employees, busy counting grams, dollars and supplies every minute of the day.

"Alright. I have a task for you. Wyatts team is bringing home another person with them from reggies facility."

Marko looks concerned and confused.

"A hostile sir?"

"Mm...not exactly. Reggie said he would exchange a person...I guess he would be sort of a slave to Reggie, anyway, he said in exchange for his life he would give me this person."

Mickey doesn't like the idea of owning people.

Never has and probably never will. Even if people have done something to you it's not right to own them. Maybe keeping them as a hostile but either kill them or let them free.

"You're going to let Reggie live, sir?"

Mickey laughs. "Of course not. I said I would- but I told the team after they secured the person that they were to kill Reggie anyway."

Marko stands there and waits for more direction from Mickey.

"So when he arrives it is your job to have the safe room ready. He will most likely need more clothes and something to eat. You are to stay with him at all times and he is not allowed to leave the room after he arrives unless I say so."

"I understand sir. When will it have to be ready by?"

Mickey looks at his watch and tilts his head.

"Within the hour. They left not too long ago. Get to it."

"Of course sir."

Marko is one of mickeys top employees. Even if Mickey didn't pay him so well he thinks Marko would still stand by him. And he's right.

Mickey saves Marko from, ironically, another drug house when he was younger.

10 or 12 maybe.

Mickey kept him safe and made him do small tasks in exchange for shelter and food.

As soon as Marko was old enough Mickey started to pay him. Marko started buying his own things and is still loyal to Mickey.

Mickey takes another look around. Always searching for threat, and turns around and walks back to his office.

To pass the time Mickey does paperwork and makes other calls to people around the country, some even on other continents about new drugs being made and being sold and other drug related info.

Mickey sets down the phone after getting off a call from a genetic engineer is Australia when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mickey tells through the thick door.

Marko comes in and stands in the doorway.

"He's here sir."

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