All is well, sir

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"Wyatt?" Mickey yells across the building.

He sees Wyatt across the room and starts walking towards him.

Wyatt is talking with some other people by a truck.

"It went well I'm guessing?" Mickey asks, mentioning to Ian.

"Yes sir, a few men are injured but nothing too bad."

"Ok, make sure they get medical attention."

A thought crosses mickeys mind but he pushes it away for now.

"Of course." Wyatt responds.

"Witnesses? Any faults in the operation?"

"All is well, sir." Wyatt says and smiles.

"Great job. Tell your team the same thing. You guys get cleaned up and stay under the radar right? Nothing stupid."

"You got it." Wyatt says before turning around to talk to the others who are putting away weapons and changing clothes.

Mickey walks over to a bench and stands on it.

"I would like everyone to give a round of applause to our execution team tonight."

He waves over to the team and everyone starts clapping.

"For the rest of the month we are going to be very, very fucking careful. We are going to be careful on who we sell to and who we buy from. Got it? Under the radar guys." He says before jumping down.

He may be a drug lord but he takes care of his family.

Mickey starts walking towards his office when one of his import overseers walks over to him.

"Sir we just got an import I need you to sign off on." He hands a clipboard and a pen to him.

"Yeah." He says taking the clipboard and signing it. He hands it back.

"Thanks." He says and walks away.

He eventually gets to his office and sits down.

He thinks for a minute and then walks out and tells Marko to come in."

"Marko I would like to talk to you for a moment." He says as he walks back in his office and sits back down.

He can hear footsteps and then he sees Marko.

"Yes sir?" He says standing in the doorway.

"Come in. Shut the door behind you."

Marko comes in and shuts the door behind him.

He takes a seat in from of mickey.

"I have an idea and I would like our opinion on it." Mickey says.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm going to offer Ian a deal, much like yours..." he says

"but here's what it is:" he sits up in his chair.

"We need a medical unit here, so why don't we offer Ian everything he wants in exchange for him staying here and being our medical unit. We could pay for his college and everything. Then if we needed to, he could train some other people here. And that would cost us nothing."

Mickey waits for Marko to reply.

"Sir, I actually think that's a great idea. It would help us stay under the radar too if more of our people don't keep showing up at hospitals with mysterious gunshot wounds."

"That's what I was thinking. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Has he asked for anything yet?"

"Just food, and that's about it. He has been given a shower and new clothes."

"Does he seem to trust us?"

"I'm not sure, sir. I think he's getting there. But a kid like that is sure to have trust issues."

"Yeah." Mickey says frowning.

"Anyway, don't do anything else tonight. Have someone else take the night shift for you to watch him. Thanks Marko."

"Of course sir." He says standing up and leaving.

Short chapter sorry dudes

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