The Red Dress

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The little red dress.

A red so fiery just like our love. 

The dress that smells of you from the times you held me close and shared a last dance.

The same red that was left on my lips from kissing the night away in your arms under the black and blue sky. The stars danced above our head as our lips danced together to the symphony of our heart beats.

The same red that marked my cheeks from the happiness that erupted due to the little butterflies that blossomed in the pit of my stomach. The butterflies that fluttered from your smile that melted my heart. 

The same red of the petals from the rose you gave me . A rose that held a thousand hopes and wishes for our eternal love. 

A red like the eternal flame of passion that burns in the depths of my heart and soul for your eyes and love.

The little red dress.

Tragically Yours,


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