Love and Death

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I fear love but I don't fear death.

Death is bound to arrive and whisk me away, it is just a matter of time.

And I will wait until it arrives.

Love, on the other hand, frightens me.

The idea of giving everything that is you to someone blindly and hopelessly distresses me.

It's giving someone the permission to hold your heart and the strings that come with it. At any moment they can tug at the right strings or just tear your heart apart.

But what frightens me the most is not knowing what love is.

I want to be able to hopelessly give my heart to someone who I believe deserves it. I want to float in the clouds because of the feeling of passion and love.

Because what is life without love?

Life is death without love.

Tragically Yours,

Tea Leaves and Torn HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now