The Red Dress Pt.2

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The little red dress.
The same dress I want to throw away.

The dress that still smells of you from the way your hands roamed my body. The scent clings on to the fabric bringing back memories from what we were and won't be anymore.

The same red that stained my face from the tears and desperate cries that were left since the moment you walked away.

The red marked on your body from lips, lips that weren't mine.

Red plauging my mind from rage and sadness, but it's not red anymore but black and blue.
Not the black and blue from the sky but black and blue for desolation.

Dark like the petals of a rose that died just like our love. The delicacy and beauty crumbled, the life slipped away.

Red is all I see while I feel blue.

Tragically Yours,

Tea Leaves and Torn HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now