Chapter 2:I Feel....Safe With You Aly

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me and Aly were hanging out with our other friends...her friend Johnnie Gilbert and my friend Vincent Cyr was just chilling out...i still felt all shy about what me and Aly was gonna do as soon as i get comfortable with this whole thing...but to tell you the truth i think i'm secretly already ready for this...because i'm so close to her that i don't see any negatives to this plan...after our friends left and we laid next to each other like we always do...we live with each other so instead of getting two beds we share was a king sized bed so we had plenty or room if it gets to awkward but it's never like that...she smiled"so did you have fun today Damon"she said and i nodded my head"yeah it was great to see two familiar faces for awhile"i said and she smiled and she gently kissed my lips and i smiled...and i kissed her some more and brought her close"are you sure?do you need more time?"she said and i smiled"i'm pretty sure...."i said and she smiled and she nodded her head and went on top of me and i helped taking off her shirt and i kissed her some more and then she took off my shirt and she made out with me and my heart beated fast because i was so nervous....i have no experience whats so ever so i don't want this to be the worse sex she ever had...she tooked off her jeans and i took off mine and shooked my hair a little so it's out of my face and she kissed my neck and i smiled...i love this way to much like i'm in love with her or something...weird...and she pulled off my underwear and she took off her underwear and i looked down and then in her eyes and she put me inside and she moved herself up and down and it felt really good i moaned little moans and she then made out with me and i stopped i can feel like i was gonna cum inside...i bit my lip and my eyes were closed and it felt so good....i bit her neck and she laughed a little"that was cute and i kissed  her lips slowly and it started to feel even better...i was leaning on my arms sorta sitting up and she moved my hair away from my blue eyes and i was trying to hold it in for as long as i can before i cummed and she then started to go faster and it couldn't be helped i was putty in her hands and i moaned a bit louder and then i cummed inside....a lot...i felt it and i laid down and caught my breath...and she got off and then closed her legs very tight so none of it came out and i smiled and blushed"i can't believe we did that"i said all blushy and she smiled"you felt amazing inside"she whispered in my ear and i covered my face"sushhh...ahh i'm so awkward"i said and she laughed a little and kissed my lips"innocent Damon"she said and i blushed some more....after we got ready for bed and she snuggled up to me real close tonight and i smiled and didn't mind and i looked at her"i safe with you Aly"i said and she smiled and kissed my lips again and i felt like a kid who just want to act all cute and stuff....i think i'm in love....but this isn't gonna be anything and i know it...we just love our friendship to much to jeopardize it.......

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