Chapter 6:A Jealous Mess...

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Cyr thought it will be nice to have a little hang out party...he invited Johnnie,Bryan,Stef and more of they're friends....i was 3 months now so i guess i'm showing a little..."feeling okay?"Damon said and i smiled"yeah...i'm perfect"i said and he smiled"good"he said and when Johnnie and Bryan came it felt chilly in here...because Johnnie is still giving me the cold shoulder...he's really upset about me having Damon's baby...Cyr rubbed my belly"it's so weird to think of Damon being a dad"Cyr said"hey"Damon said and laughed a little"doesn't mean you not gonna be a great one"Cyr said and Damon smiled"it's so crazy"Stef said"i know right?"i said and smiled and i saw Johnnie on his phone in the corner and i sighed"but enough about me and Damon's baby...lets have fun"i said"yep and we put the tunes on and i made Damon dance with me and it was fun...Cyr started to dance goofy and i laughed at him..he did it purposely"you see these moves"i said pointing to Cyr"can get any girl"i said sarcastically and he smiled and started to dance with me goofy and i went with it too and Damon couldn't stop laughing it was silly and we were crazy...after i smiled and hugged Damon and kissed his lips and he blushed...Johnnie about had it with Damon and pushed him down on the couch and started to hurt him and i cried"Stop it Johnnie"i said"i'm so tired of you Damon"he said and started to hurt him some more and Cyr and Stef had to stop him before Damon was killed and then i guess Johnnie realized what he done was really stupid and mean and out of jealousy he ran out the house and Bryan went after him and i ran to Damon who was gasping and coughing and i held him close and he held me close back...that was so scary...for a min i thought Johnnie wanted to kill Damon...Bryan texted Cyr saying there gonna go home and that Johnnie was really sorry for what he done...but i don't think Damon is ready to forgive him yet and i couldn't forgive him for hurting Damon like that....because of Johnnie the party stopped when he almost killed Damon but Me,Stef,Damon and Cyr slept over Cyr's place and i cuddled Damon extra hard today because i feel like this is my fault..."i'm okay now...really"he said and he could tell i was still worried and i nodded my head and kissed his cheek and i smiled and he kissed mine and smiled back....

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