Chapter 4:Cyr I'm Gonna Be A Dad...

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3 months up and looks like everything is going well with our i went to Cyr's...he thinks i'm here just to hang and stuff but i'm also here to tell him my situation...and knowing him he might be hard on me because he's my best friend i haven't told him i lost my virginity as soon as it happened or the day after..."hey buddy"Cyr said and we did our hand shake..."hey"i said"haven't seen you in like 3 months....i smiled"i know man...just been dealing with know how i'm gangster and stuff"i kid and he smiled and he looked at me"something is different about you"he said"really how can you tell"i said nervously and he got close to my face"strange your glowing"Cyr said and i looked at him and my heart beat went a bit faster...this presser..."i could be glowing because...because i'm gonna be...i'm gonna be a dad"i said and then Cyr was in shocked"you bang a chick?"Cyr said and rubbed my shoulders pretty hard and it kinda hurt"nice...wait...your gonna be a dad at 23?"he said and i looked at him" was kinda planned out...we wanted to..."i said and Cyr looked at me"you wanted to have a kid...when was must had a serious girlfriend that i didn't heard of it..."he said"well..."i said high pitched"she's a girl and a friend...but we are kinda just ummm friends"i said and Cyr looked at me like i was crazy and i looked at him then down then back at him and i sighed"it's and her decided to have a kid together but still be friends...but a kid"i said and Cyr looked at me"of all the crazy things you two get into...but this...this is just stupid...Damon your only gonna fall in love with her and this whole "plan" you guys have is gonna be heart wrenching for you...dude...better bust out those tissues because your gonna fall apart..."Cyr said" didn't even bother to sugar coat it"i said feeling upset"Damon...i love you...i love you like a bro...i'm not gonna be the friend who isn't real with you because tough love is what you need"Cyr said"i mean Aly loves me..."i said"i know she does but Damon...your friendship is gonna be more complicated now...god forbid you guys get into a huge fight and never talk to each other again...then your friendship is ruined and i will hate to see that you guys are adorable when your hanging out with us...your like a couple but unsaid...i hope this goes right...i really do...because i will hate to see you depressed like you were before Aly and it will probably be worse...because a kid is involved and this can bring back even worse memories...dare i say this....your problems with your dad"he said and a tear slipped it's way from my blue eyes and i looked at him trying to hold in all the feeling that this conversation made me feel"i hope so too"i said and i whipped my eyes..."come here lets hug this out"Cyr said and hugged me tight and i hugged back"i'm sorry i was hard on you...but it's because i care about you"he said and i nodded my head..."i know"i said....after i stopped i called Aly"hey"she said happy to hear from me"hey...umm i told Cyr"i said"how he take it?"she said"he was hard on me but i know it's out of love"i said and looked at Cyr and smiled and he smiled back"well i'm heading to Johnnie's right tell know Johnnie has a crush on me right"she said"yeah"i said and sighed"wish me luck?"she said"yeah...see you at home and stay healthy..."i said"alright bye cutie"she said"bye future mom"i said and smiled and she laughed a little"yeah crazy right"she said and i smiled and nodded my head"yeah"i said and she gave me a kiss over the phone and i did it back and she hung up and i hung up and smiled.....

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