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December 22nd, 1998- Raccoon City

At this time, Raccoon City was not somewhere you wanted to live. Sure, it was a beautiful city, with lush green lawns, tall oak trees, blue skies with no clouds, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The population was large, and everyone minded their own business. City was also known for their great medical breakthroughs and achievements. Life was, essentially, perfect there. So, why not live in Raccoon City at this time?

The virus.

Not just any virus, though. Beneath the city was a large facility called the Hive. The Hive was ran by the Umbrella Corporation. Umbrella was the main supplier for everything in the city. They were also the main reason why the world is now almost completely destroyed. Down in the Hive, they were experimenting with certain chemicals and bacterial combinations. One of them killed you, then reanimated the dead cells of the body, bringing the subject back to life. Essentially, the virus was the fountain of youth. They were still a few kinks with the virus, so an antidote was developed to reverse the effects of the virus. Everything was under control with the proper security and precautions.

Until someone let it out.

The virus was, and is, known as the T-Virus. The virus still had the side effects, which made it unsafe for human life. The virus went through the Hive ventilation system, killing everyone inside. The back-up security system was able to contain the virus inside the Hive, saving Raccoon City citizens from the deadly infection. The Hive entrance was sealed shut, hopefully never to be opened again.

That was not the case.

Curious Umbrella scientists wanted to know what sort of damage had been done to the facility. They were able to open the door to the Hive, and check inside. In doing so, they released the virus. Hundreds of infected men and women ran through the streets, hunting for human flesh to feast on. In order for the virus to thrive, it needed a healthy host to infect, just like a bacteria. What humanity had feared for generations had finally come true.

Raccoon City had become the first sight of the zombie apocalypse.

The outbreak occurred on February 18th, 1998. Ten months ago. Within that ten months, more than 35% of the world's population had become infected. Military had been called in, but it has done nothing to stop the outbreak. A new military group had been created. They called themselves the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad- S.T.A.R.S. This group went through Raccoon City and wiped out any infected they saw. However, their attempts have been futile, for the virus has continued to spread, not slowing in the slightest.

After a while, more zombies became known to Raccoon City. These zombies are man-made in laboratories. They are known as Bio-Organic Weapons- B.O.W's. They are created out of people who are abducted off the streets and used for experimentations. Scientists will take the T-Virus strain and combine it with another bacteria to try and create a better and stronger virus. One that will leave the humanity in a person, but will fill them with vengeance, and give them superhuman abilities. Each B.O.W is different, and more deadly than the last. These zombies are the hardest to kill.

All these monstrosities roamed the streets, hunting for more flesh. The remaining population of Raccoon City were hiding in buildings, hoping to be spared from the virus. There was, however, one person in particular that the B.O.W's were tracking. She was the one crying in an abandoned building, trying to survive in a world so cruel. It was a little girl of about three years of age, with raven black hair that flowed in the wind, and scared, sapphire eyes that scanned the area, hoping to find somewhere to be safe from the world outside. Her little legs picked her up and led her quickly to a set of stairs, which she quickly ascended. She could hear the monsters outside beginning to come closer, and she tried so hard to stop the tears. She couldn't, though. She wanted her mommy to come back and protect her, but she knew that that wasn't going to happen. Her mommy had left her about an hour ago, and still had not come back. She didn't know if she ever would.

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